Dr Joshua Rein Offers Insights on Cannabis Use for Chronic Kidney Disease

Several symptoms patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) experience are approved indications for medical cannabis, said …


  1. Very useful information given through this video!! this is becoming one of the most common problem nowadays
    and allopathic medicines are not a permanent solution for this , moreover leave us with many long term side
    effects so one should go for ayurvedic medicines. As per my experience one can get best treatment in
    Planet ayurveda under expert supervision of Dr. Vikram Chauhan.

  2. I love the combination of thc and cbd. So many medical properties.
    I can blend in with the healthy people after dialysis.
    I prefer this over pills since tablets are harder on the kidneys and make it difficult for them to heal

  3. Here's the gist. If you have kidney disease, marijuana will increase the rate of decline in kidney function. So bad for it. Some of the symptoms of kidney disease, such as pain or anxiety, are things marijuana can combat or lessen. The take away, dont smoke marijuana if you have kidney disease and dont want to actively make it worse

  4. I didnt understand that sentence considering the study of Cannabis and glomerular filtration. Could CBD help me to improve my filtration rate?

  5. Amazing video !! And yes i prefer to smoke a joint than take a medicine with side efects but where i live they dont let US have it ..

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