Edible Marijuana Dangers?

People in California consumed more than 180-million dollars’ worth of marijuana-infused food and drinks in 2016. The Doctors …


  1. I ate 450mg in four days, 150mg each and the adverse effects were extremely traumatic and horrible. My heart raced at 130-140bpm at rest, Panic attack, chest pounding, dizziness and then tingling lmao

  2. You can't die from it, yet they want to ban it. Yet you can smoke an entire pack of cigarettes and do 50 shots in 1 hour, and die from a stroke, yet it's all still legal. Insane. Even if a kid hypothetically did eat a gummy, they'd be fucked up for a while, but they will not die. They won't even get brain damage!

  3. Edible overdoses are terrifying for a reason. last time I consumed, i have 120mg (a shit ton for me) and had a total epiphany about how I should be productive and open as a person. About 2 months later, my life has completely changed for the better.

  4. My husband brought this brownie to the house to give it a try. I ended up eating the whole thing and I remembered to tell him."think they took you for a ride" because I didn't feel anything.😅 I didn't know that thing works after one hour. it was pretty crazy the sensation.

  5. Thosr were clearly not mint leaves plus she was fine. Making such a big deal out of nothing. Stay out of folks kitchen and you'll be ok. leave our edible stuff alone please. Cannabis is very helpful to alot of us for medical reasons. I haven't had a TIA in 2 yrs since I started using it.

  6. One of the myriad reasons you’re not supposed to invite yourself into other ppl’s refrigerator’s… how in their right minds does that???
    Also, I’m drinking cannabis lemonade as I watch this

  7. Why bother with edibles when oils are so much safer and easier to dose?

    First I wash my hands with water mist. No soaps. Then I wash my hands with hand lotion or body lotion or any kind of lotion. And rinse with water mist. I need very little water to do this.

    Then I apply CBD oil to my hands, each covering the other.

    I then wash my face the same way: Water mist, lotion, CBD oil.

    Then comes time for THC. I apply six drops of THC to one open palm, cover both palms, and cover my face. Then I mist again as needed..

    I also take time to breathe through my palms against my face, smelling the wonderful flowers and Turpines – really luxurious, really calming, really stimulating, really wonderful…

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