Everything About Having a Dog with Epilepsy – Living with a Cane Corso

We have been dealing with our Cane Corso’s epilepsy for 3 years now. In that time we have learned as much as we could about …


  1. Thank you for this video. It’s the first one that popped up my corso had his first seizure and it was a cluster.

    He hasn’t been The same since but he seems to slowly be going back to normal.

  2. Thank you for sharing all of this information. I hope Dante is still doing well. My pit Freya just had her first episode and had the cluster of Generalized seizures and focal seizures. It was very stressful to the whole family and has been at the emergency vet for 48 hours. Your guy's story gives me hope and some insight into what our future will be like.

  3. Thank you for such an informative video, as an epi mom myself, your topics are really relatable. I love love love the part about ‘seizure chic’, we did the same with the furnitures around our house as well, now I have a term for it! I just stumbled upon your video while prepping my pups weekly meds, every day without seizures is a good day. Dante is very lucky to have you and your husband, you guys are doing a great job!

  4. My dog also suffers with seizures. It can be so hard and emotionally draining and as weird as it sounds, it’s comforting to hear that I’m not alone as a dog owner whose pet suffers with these. I’m hoping Dante is doing well ❤️ sending all my love

  5. Has the breeder publicly talked about this issue in her breeding program I do not see anything on her page OR ON HER WEBSITE??? her website has no puppies available since 2016??

  6. Thank you for posting this video, we have a Havense that had ideopathic epilepsy, and we have done many of the things you have done, switched to raw diet, cbd oil, we are on Zonisomide, pheno, and potassium bromide, and our baby Howie still is having seizures, we are consulting with a neurologist at Purdue Animal Hospital, how did you find the right combo of meds? Howie does well we we change something but then his body gets used to it, and the seizures begin again 😞

  7. I am sooo glad you made this video. Our cane corso, Max, just turned two and had his first seizure Thursday 😕 then it was followed by another and after a night at the emergency vet he is home and recovering. We are so heartbroken for him, he hasn’t been himself, seems to have had some memory loss? Did Dante have that happen? He’s still anxious and weak but seems a little better every day. We are thinking to try CBD as well after his follow up visit in two weeks. I’ve done so much googling and your video was the only one that really said what it’s like to live with it – thanks for the insight, I’ll be following along! Dante and Peach are gorgeous lucky pups!

  8. Omg! We have a corso with epilepsy and an English mastiff as well! I'm so glad I found you. I learned a lot from your video. Our corso just started having seizures on Thanksgiving and she has since had several. She is 4 yrs old. I look forward to more videos!

  9. So sorry to hear about this. Just so happen to stumble across another video of you and remembered seeing you in a video regarding epilepsy. Sure hope the breeder isn’t still breeding with those parents

  10. Unfortunately anytime anyone buys a corso they run the risk of seizures. I saw many die from it. The breeders keep sweeping it under the rug. Poor guy. I wish you both the best. It’s unbelievably horrible to watch

  11. Epilepsy is not found in the Cane Corso breed, you have a boxer mix. Get from a traditional breeder next time and you will not have to watch your poor pet suffer because of bad breeding practices.

  12. Hey there,
    I'm online looking for videos on Seizures/Epilepsy in the Cane Corso breed because our precious, vivacious, gorgeous Cane Corso, Gracie Girl, only 14 months old, had a seizure on Tuesday, and died. She was just outside our back door, on our deck, and died right there. We are DEVASTATED. I cannot begin to describe the pain my family, which includes 4 kiddos, 11, 9, 7 and 4, are feeling right now. So sudden, so final, and she had NEVER shown any symptoms of this. My Husband had just been playing tug of war on the back deck with her, while I finished the homeschooling for the day, and after a few minutes, she was just gone😭😭😭 Our male Corso, Bruno 6, is also mourning her loss and carries around her rope, looking for her. I'm just looking for answers, and comfort I guess because this loss is so overwhelming. She was PERFECTLY HEALTHY. And just literally dropped dead. Her necropsy revealed it was a seizure and she asphyxiated on her own tongue. I feel sick just typing that. I am so sorry Dante deals with this and that ya'll also do and as much as we would love another baby Girl Corso, the fear of this happening again, out of nowhere, is almost too unbearable for us.💔 Thanks for this video and I pray Dante gets better.

  13. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the world. I can’t believe after taking 20+ pills he still has episodes! My sister just got a 2 month puppy after 2 weeks with him, he has had 3 seizures in the last 2 days so I’ve been doing a bit of research. I’m happy to find they can live with this issue but sad that even with meds they still have episodes.

  14. Oh wow you made me cry, yes it is great that you and your husband have Dante because you can give him the best life. Dante is a fantastic dog and I hope his seizures end up being very rare, I was just wondering you said that the cbd can stop some seizures is it possible for him to to just take it every day permanently or is that harmful to him?

  15. I'm so very sorry to hear this about Dante. I can't even imagine what you guys go through praying he starts to feel better God bless. I can't believe how big peach is getting. What a beauty. ❤️🤗🐾

  16. I had the opposite relationship. I was the one having seizures and my Great Dane quickly picked up on them and became my service dog for balance and seizures. She has since “retired” as I am now seizure free. It’s amazing what dogs can do. I pray you can get Dante’s seizures under control.

  17. Happy Tuesday! Your Pack is Precious! Best Wishes on his Journey. Thank You for this Video because Education is Empowering, plus it's relieving to know there are other Dog Owners and Dogs out there going through the same issues as you are.💗

  18. Dante is lucky to have you guys! We had a Sharpei with epilepsy and the first time he had a seizure it scared us to death. He was prescribed phenobarbital as I think thats go to for epilepsy diagnosis. Our Sharpei (Jordan) would actually let me know when he felt a seizure coming on, he would try to cuddle without laying down just keep wanting to be touching me or my wife. He was around 45 to 50 lbs so I know with Dante's size it's much scarier if he falls. It was heartbreaking every time he had a seizure, it never got easier to watch him go through them. We are now weeks away from getting our first Cane Corso and I appreciate your channel and I also follow on IG. Look forward to more videos and Info to help with our future journey!

  19. You're doing everything right! My previous dog lived with Epilepsy from 2 years to almost 10 years old. Just remember that for every 1 bad day he has another 30 good days! Keep thinking of the good days! He will live a long healthy life!

  20. I can't even begin to express how beautiful the love you have for your dogs is and much it is felt in this video. I had tears because about 30 years ago I had a German Shepard that had severe epilepsy. The days with seizures can feel helpless. It hurts to watch them hurt. Thank you for the video. It was incredibly informative and gave such good advice for dealing with such a serious health issue. May Dante feel better soon so he can go play with his sister. 😁

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