FDA issues warning over Delta-8 THC products

The FDA has not individually evaluated Delta-8 THC products, but based on more than 2400 reports of bad reactions over the …


  1. I usually don’t bash stuff like this but I had a near death experience with delta 8. I was using it almost everyday for about 3 months when one night I took a hit of the delta 8 vape I usually toke on. All of a sudden my throat and chest swelled up, lymph nodes pulsing and heart palpitations like crazy. I literally thought I was going to drop dead. Turns out the doctor said I had become allergic to it. Crazy to think something like that could happen but just goes to show you the unexpected. Obviously this won’t happen to everyone. I’m just saying listen to your body and be smart about it

  2. If it is dangerous then those clowns from the FDA should push to legalize non dangerous cannibus, the bottom line is these are hypocritical egomaniacs who's lust for control over others is never satisfied. They claim to do everything for our own good, and that is the opposite of what they want. They want us to be broke, miserable, and depressed.

  3. I don't know who needs to hear this but this is not in any way shape or form like K2, but K2 is coming back in vape juices apparently, feel like you should be a little more concerned about that

  4. They have not evaluated the products but based on heresay, a knee jerk is required!!! Why are they not giving us a warning about real cannabis? Plenty of heresay to go around and more than two years of actual data to draw from. They could start with the La Guardia Comittee Report where doctors (gasp) told politicians it was not a problem. That was in 1944. How long does truth take? A few minutes.

  5. Oh okay thanks for your two cents FDA. Shove it up your ass now. We all know you aren’t looking out for humanity’s best interest.

  6. A lot of “bad reactions” are people who get too fucked up and think themselves into a panic attack. That can happen sober too, thc just makes it more introspective. If you don’t have good relief methods that will happen. Meditate, work out, do something for your anxiety and those things will happen less.

    The comments of people saying they have bad reactions are keeping it bland. Give an example of the situation and maybe tell us the product. Sometimes people do get bad products. If you get it from a good source you’ll be fine.

    TLDR; THC causes some deep thinking which is why a lot of people like it and some people don’t. It’s not for everyone, you do you.

  7. The only people pushing this anti delta-8 rhetoric are legal cannabis companies and lobbyists that don’t want to lose money, that being said fake cartridges have always been a problem and multiple people have died long before this hemp thc was mainstream. This is why the only places that have banned delta-8 are legal states that don’t want to miss out on their tax money.

  8. New to Delta after trying to cut down on bud. I have a smoke shop just a block down from me with a massive selection.

    I was worried it was going to be like Cloud 9 or K2 but I was pleasantly surprised.

  9. I don't know any grocery store that sells it! It's mostly convenient stores I don't know what kind of crack the news people are smoking! 👍🤣 Must be good though! 🤣

  10. Oh great, now that we find a LEGAL alternative to weed, and people like it. It’s really helping my anxiety. And I have syncope, it helps that to.I keep it to myself, I NEVER use it around my children.

  11. Stick to regular weed, I didn’t start having panic attacks until I tried delta 8. After that my head really got fucked up. Delta 8 isn’t “weed” it’s derived from hemp which is in the same family but is not cannabis. If you want to use delta 8, it’s all up to u, but if weed is available definitely go for that.

  12. Delta 8 is actually terrible. I smoke REAL tch and favor it far more than the “ legalized weed “ delta 8 . Everytime I tried delta 8 or 9 it always gave me bad highs with increased anxiety, my heart would race and it just gave me an overall uncomfortable high. I don’t think it provides a high I think it just makes me feel very tweakish 💀💀. Cali weed is the way to go. Get the REAL deal not this delta 8 government weed ☠️

  13. Yeah don't eat edibles like a meal. Take a sliver of a gummy and work your way up from there. Think of it as eating shrooms or acid. Take small amounts and wait an hour or so.

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