Garland Strikes Back; Assessing Dems On The Healthcare And Climate Bill | MR LIVE 8/12/22

Fun half link: It’s Casual Friday! Sam hosts David Dayen, executive editor at the American …


  1. It"s SOOOO good to see JorDan get really insightful questions for a change! Thank you MR crew for getting them on with Sam, I hope to see them again when Jones gets his comeuppance in September.

  2. I was grinning from ear to ear the entirety of the Knowledge Fight interview. I literally cancelled work meetings to enjoy this. What a meeting of the minds 😀

  3. When David said the inflation cap within Medicare would lead to drug company raising the price more outside of Medicare, wondering what keeps them from just raising the price right now (before the inflation cap)?

  4. I listen to 'Knowledge Fight' religiously but this is the first time SEEING Dan and Jordan! Lol I feel like they don't fit my picture of them in my head but it's not drastically different! I love you guys, keep up the good fight! You both a beautiful humans inside and out

  5. 1:48:00 Donald Trump winning the election really just ruined the following 4 seasons of the Alex Jones show, just threw a monkey wrench into all his planned Hillary content😞 forced to do the story arch were your hero wins and is the leader of the free world yet he seems to just be doing the same Neo-Liberal stuff as everyone you shat on for years just killed kayfabe

  6. Alex Jones has such a piss-poor history of providing his relevant documents in a timely manner, the bankruptcy court will not reveal anything because Alex will refuse to cooperate and demand that they accept his word for everything.

  7. If Don Trump’s not a traitor, then nobody is
    It all stems from a man who takes what’s not his
    From hustling loans for Jared from a Saudi Royal connection
    Or getting those none the wiser to commit an insurrection

    To those dull enough to listen he claimed he’s been raided
    Then one of his supporters an FBI office he invaded
    Now that man lies dead for listening to Don
    Whilst Trump hustles survivors for another donation

    Trump needs to be arrested, tried and sent to jail
    So those who need to hear can hear his shameful tale
    And when the truth of his offences has been spoken in open court
    The purpose of the rule of law may by his demise be taught

  8. Knowledge Fight is my favorite podcast. I never would have predicted how much there is to laugh at and learn from analysis of Alex Jones et al.
    And I don't even like Jordan!

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