HEART HEALTHY with the assistance of CBD

Dr. Rita McGuire (Dr. Rita), the Chief Medical Officer and one of the four Co-Founders of Wakanna educates regarding …

1 Comment

  1. I just ordered a free trial of CBD and was researching. Because I take Lisinipril, Amlodophine and Hydrochlorat and was recently diagnosed with pre diabetes as well. Also my sister recently got out of the hospital and had her 6th stroke. So it made me more aware of my health. She could sure use your products for here anxiety and her High BP. My BP has gone from the high 100's sometimes 200 and now is down to 126 sometimes lower. But I want to get completely off this medicine. I tried talking to my Drs' about supplements but they seem to be negative about this. I admire how you are really helping people to get healthier.

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