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  1. After 42.5+ years of daily constant Pain that ruins Life- and ruined due to this evil FAKE-united states which negatively lies about Opiate/Opioid Medicine taking it away from us people who need Opiate Medicine for any kind of Life. The Life I had up until I was 18 years old, and some illegally plastered drunk behind the wheels of a 18-wheeler truck was allowed to cause a head on collision to kill my two friends, ruin my Life, to where the fake-united states took over to torture-torment me for the illegal wrongs of both drunk drivers, and drug addicts, strangers I don't even know, nor my friends (we did nothing wrong, State Police backed, with facts, records, but people still sided with illegal doers over the State Police, my dead friends, and self. GO FIGURE! Yeah this government, country, is an evil land. Yes some people they treat nice, and us other people who did nothing wrong they literally torture, and they are liars about Opiate/Opioid Medicine. I know this for first hand proven FACT! But they still believe the TOTAL BULL they all are fed, told, program-conditioned with, and make us people suffer grossly with no Life for peanuts, as they do NOT shut up about drug addicts (I am NOT blaming drug addicts, as they are not the united states communist-Nazi-Luciferians who rule this North America Land to make people grossly suffer, a literal form of torture. I know well what real torture is like, so don't even go there for a come back to me for saying this. Tired of this entire land of TOTAL BULL, and evil. Believe they lie as they do so gross, and big a wrong, as a tribute to their Luciferian god they worship.
    Something is majorly wrong when I made to grossly suffer daily constant Pain for most of my adult existence for the illegal wrongs of strangers, get no guaranteed trial, no defense, not even charged for anything, they go straight to torture-torment-ruining my Life just as evil people would do, lying big, doing on their evil freely (the only free I've seen) ,happily, gladly, literally, intentionally, paid well for it, and without the slightest care for their evil they do to innocent people- right here on North America Land- as there is no united states- it's all one big con/lie of evil.
    One of their big secrets they keep from everyone, their elitist Club who actually rule this whole North America, is that this earth is an actual level of Hell like the lower levels of Hell. Just like their are levels in the Heavens above this earth/Hell.
    Pain is all a money market, they make big money off our Pain & suffering, and laugh all the way to their Gold stashes they all have. They have Gold, and give us paper, lies, and evil done unto us.
    The first 3 people supposedly in Office of the supposed united states country, is an actual in your face to We the People of North America, they're laughing at us all, and some work with the communist-Nazi-Luciferian evil which rules us, paid well too of course.
    Here's proof of how much this is total Bull.
    They take away my AVINZA Time Release Morphine Medicine, and MSIR Immediate Release Morphine Medicine, I went through literal torturous daily constant non-stop Pain for- having no Life- doing things right- to finally get, and more years to finally get a working level dosage that keeps on working, does NOT need to be upped used responsibly- though they LIE about to keep the evil on a "roll" (quoted word is: Luciferian) (don't need to up any Opiate/Opioid dosage of Medicine, but need to use a working level dosage if it works for your Long Term Pain to keep easing the Pain- though they LIE, LIE, LIE about all of it to keep their evil going in this FAKE-united states land). The lie to the public, everyone telling everyone Opiate/Opioid Medicine doesn't work for Severe Chronic Pain Illnesses, so they can continue to do their evil they do to us people they target to do their evil to. As the people who rule this land obviously worship Lucifer, being Luciferians, to do such evil that they do to us people who did nothing wrong, do not deserve such evil done unto us, and they again do as true evil does- an in your face to us people with Severe Chronic Pain Illnesses, laughing lying about Opiate/Opioid Medicine, keeping it from us, treating us as criminals for nothing, and let us know Opiate/Opioid Medicine works, and then take it from us for the illegal wrongs of people I don't even know, punishing me again for the illegal wrongs of strangers here in this FAKE-united states land of evil.
    They take my AVINZA Medicine the Pharmaceutical Scientists should have gotten a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for how much it works for my top of spine fused not in place as would be best, wrapped with wire broke in two in one place- nothing further can be done, nothing else works- like the Belbuca I use twice the allowed dosage, my Pain just walks right over (yes there may be people it works for, but NOT me). A Medicine I just can't stop using, but they won't let me use what worked the best, proven to work well. Because they are evil who rule this FAKE-united states, where there are no Right, no Liberty, no Freedom, no u.s. government, no united states country, no Life, just a land of true evil.
    I want People to know this truth, as they may be targeted next by this evil. Which can't let me keep using what proved to work, had NOT the slightest measly problem with it. Now I've got daily constant Pain again, my stomach has gotten bad again- that I had no problem with using AVINZA Medicine- cause IT WORKED! But again this so called united states, a FAKE-united states country is all about evil, and nothing more. They have more than proven this to me. I now know it is one of their levels of Hell of their Luciferian god they worship- i.e. Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan, and many other names for their beast they worship, and do the evil unto us people who did nothing wrong, nor deserve such communist-Nazi like ways/treatment. As Hitler and Stalin started off the same (all of them birds of a feather).
    No wonder G-D will burn this entire earth to smithereens, to make a new- real earth ruled by G-D, not these two-legged-demons, and other demons from another dimension they worship- lying big- as a tribute-worship to their demonic god.
    (there are some Doctors who know this truth about Opiate/Opioid Medicine [ like a Doctor I am sure they who rule murdered, as he knew too much about the truth, and the lies this ruling demonic power tells, and does. said an accident just when they were going back to the evil they already did- and not at all coincidental- the fact we are ruled by evil people who torture others right here in this FAKE-united states- actual Hell it is, ruled by demons ], and some Doctors wish they could help, but their family members, and own lives are threatened by the communist-Nazi-Luciferian FAKE-u.s. government, an actual evil rule just like the other evils they point the finger at, yet do the same evil unto some of us North America People)

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