Marijuana Refugees: Virginia Family Moves to Colorado to Treat Epileptic Child with Cannabis Oil

– Last year, Dara Lightle and her nine-year-old daughter, Madeleine, became “marijuana refugees” …


  1. Lol conservatives and their Bible… It works and it helps, stop criminalizing it and instead getting people addicted to lab made prescription opiods. Conservatives are so much against liberals, they view cannabis as a liberal symbol.. all while children are suffering from things like epilepsy.

  2. the science of why cannabis use stops seizures- endocannabinoid system ( ECS)= this homeostasis ligand based neuron-modulatory signalling system in everyone's body manages seizures( neurological impairment) , cleans out cancer cell accumulation and fixes other oxidation stress related diseases via homeostasis regulation of cell walls ( lipid bilayer) … cannabis plant creates what are termed phyto-cannabinoids… cannabis plant cannabinoids are bio-mimetic adjustment structures that cells use to stay healthy and to identify with extracellular space ( the matrix)… when our cells do not have these lipid signalling molecules ( cannabinoids) that provide signalling structures to maintain the health of the cell cancerous accumulation happens along with oxidative stress… endocannabinoids are created in our endocannabinoid system via correct balance of omega three and omega six fats…with the correct omega fats in our diet, we synthesize endocannabinoids on demand from the extracellular matrix to signal intracellular messages.. arachidonic acid is the per-cursor to creating the endo-cannabinoids and correct amounts of omega 3 to 6 fat from our diet determines how much arachidonic acid we have available @ any time when synthesis of it is required for cannabinoid production. endocannabinoids are created from EFAs and PUFAs… See how important this is? Grocery store food is predominantly omega 9 fats! omega 9 are pro inflammatory fats! omega 9 fats are to long of a chain to make the endo-cannabinoids with and they accumulate as bio mass in extracellular space not getting burned up and recycled efficiently through the ECS

  3. I suffer from seizure's also an it breaks my heart to c all those little kids having to go threw what I do only people who suffer with a seizure problem knows really what it's like and I've had such a bad time with all the pain u have after each seizure but when I c a little kid whose so small havin to go threw the same pain it's jus fucked up an i take 3 different meds to help me some with my seizure problem an it took 10 years before I found out what would help some an it helps some but I was a lab rat for so long trying so many different pills I'll send out a prayer for them kids

  4. Ms.Dara Lightle and Madeline you are a very amazing mother there is nothing going to stand in your way to find the best solution for Madelaine when she is old enuff to analyze and appreciate the total effort that you have willingly done for her she will just be so proud of you , she will never forget this part of her life that you have made all the difference. The narrow-minded politicians that in my view haven't got the brains of a fruit fly, you listened and by gosh you have made the correct decision. Take care the both of you but let us know how Madelaine is doing I have no doubt that she will be fine because you have passed on the strength of your DNA. Hope she has the very same good judgment
    Regards Ken

    that you have displayed.

  5. Its a shame people have to move over this . It is just proof the government does not care about human life at all . Make it legal and save billions $$$  Quit voting in those old corrupt liars and maybe we can get some of our rights back ..

  6. I personally know two people who beat cancer with cannabis, and I mean Stage 3 lung cancer, and Stage 4 renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer). Both are alive, happy and healthy today because of cannabis.

  7. What a wonderful mother.   She has a battle for the long term ahead of her.  Congratulations on making her drug free.   Put her on a brain diet of blueberries, pomegranates, DARK chocolate, plenty of vegetables, and staying fully hydrated every day.  
    I hope we can continue to research the actions and potentials of this plant.   Western medicine has an obsession with finding the active ingredients of something and isolating them out and stamp it out in a pill.   They've already done this with THC (Marinol, et al) and it stinks.   It doesn't work.  The entourage effect of the whole plant seems to show the most promise at this time.

  8. Why did she even needed to move to Colorado?This shouldn't be elegal anywhere.Its does not making you high.Its just the extract and could been provided to kid in every hospital.

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