Martina Bebin, MD, MPA: Epidiolex and the Novelty of CBD in TSC

The professor of neurology and pediatrics at University of Alabama at Birmingham Epilepsy Center discussed the FDA approval of …


  1. Growing up seizure were something have seen in movie,sometimes they taught about in school and something have never taught would become a part of my life. Fortunately, I did not many years. I was able to graduate from high school and start college at Vanderbilt University. However during my freshman year I began to have what was eventually diagnosed as simple partial seizures up to 20times a day, I would start blinking rapidly and hear strange noises. This seizure was often brought in by loud sounds such airplane flying overheads or starting a hair dryer. After several test including PET scans, CAT scans etc . I was diagnosed with Epilepsy and after trying several different medications, I found one that controlled my seizure when I was going through YouTube and I read alot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning Anti seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a website I just followed the email address Dr. Joy , that was shared on the testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from doctor and I followed her instructions and used the herbal medication in not less than two months I was already cured because of the changes I was seeing within a period of 5month , I was cured totally forever. I went back to my neurologist I was checked up and marked Epilepsy free. If you need her help you can contact the herbal doctor through her email and WhatsApp connection is 08116004247.

  2. All great thanks to Doctor Akpan for what he has done for my daughter and I. He has put a smile in my face and for this, I pray May God continue to bless him and his entire family forever I ordered herbs for Epilepsy for my daughter and she started using it, after one weeks I started seeing good changes in her seizure began to stop and I continue using the medicine on her and after on month of using this herbs, she was ok her health was restored totally, everything was okay with her, she is now fine and the doctor run a test on her and confirm she is free for Epilepsy I am so happy for what Dr Akpan has done for my daughter email:, WhatsApp +2348143502763.

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