Mayhem at Magoobys

The boys both unpack their surprisingly eventful weekends with Bryan reflecting on his mind expanding spiritual ceremony and …


  1. A major difference in mushrooms and acid is the intensity it hits you. Mushrooms usually effect you in waves, where as acid is more of a constant high. I'm no professional though 😂

  2. So sounds like Bryan’s experience involves him seeing his mother and his daughters face on another woman which means he should probably start treating other women around him just as he would his own mother and daughter. And then he also was holding onto his girlfriends arm because he felt she was just an illusion which probably means that he was so surprised that he met this woman at such a point in his life and not to let this one go.

  3. Carmelo Anthony is 6’6 ish maybe 6’7 not 6’10 😂 lebrons sons are very good bronny is a 6’3 guard will go ucla, or Duke, Bryce is 6’5 freshman .. Melo son is 14 about 6’2 and is a very good shooter has a ways to go.. bronny will make the nba cause he’s good!

  4. I would destroy the universe if it was not for cannabis. If my parents could have given me cannabis as a child, I would have spent way less time in the back of cop cars

  5. I don’t think bryan has really been dropping acid because he wouldn’t be around Brendan anymore if it actually cleared his vision on life he wouldn’t be letting Brendan hold him
    Back anymore he would just speak up and tell Brendan how he feels right after Brendan finishes doing the new intern that lost all that weight in the bathroom

  6. Please stop talking about basketball. Brendan doesn’t know much about the NBA, he talks like a super casual. Him talking about Melo “He’s too expensive so they’d rather pay a young player”. He’s not too expensive, he’s played on a veteran’s minimum contract for the last 4 years. Veteran’s minimum contracts are ideal for a team because there’s barely any cap impact, regardless of the player’s experience in the league. SVSM and Oak Hill are not rival schools. Iverson was not in the Western Conference Finals Nuggets team, Billups was.

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