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  1. I enjoy Lapeef-ing Sundays! It's a great vibe, it's light-hearted as it should be, people have opinions but are not overly opinionated, and at the end of the day there is a common respect each person on the panel has for one another and that makes a difference. My favorite show on the network by far.

  2. Yo make great points but I really🙏🏽🙏🏽you and all those on the panel that curse by using Gods name as a curse word can stop doing that and be delivered completely from doing that🙏🏽🙏🏽 @3:11:36. Jesus please take the wheel.

  3. Man so much to say regarding this episode. Logics proposal for some type of survey for teaching woman to be wives and taking them out of the work force. It’s 2022, when speaking in stats it very clear that the average 42k a year isn’t gonna sufficiently maintain a family household. There was also much more that was left out. It wasn’t just women getting into the workforce and welfare that has our communities in the state they are in today. The making of a slave was left out which was 100% psychological, Vietnam war and the many soldiers that were fortunate to come home many of them were strung out on opium, which ironically around the same time you have the CIA that flooded our communities with that same poison. While Caucasian women were fighting for women’s rights, Black women were fighting for civil rights, but that always gets blended that black women were on board with, which is false, that didn’t come until later. Mass incarceration and no knock warrants, the assasinations of many prominent black leaders. There is so much that has lead us to where we are today. There’s no 1 thing, again @RickyWilliamsBoxing said it the best, we as black men and women need to forgive each other, until that happens we will never move forward. As a 42 yr old man that has been married for 23 years this past July 23rd, I can say social media isn’t t the issue, the lack of trust, communication and understanding is the issue. We all know many people over the course of Covid created online businesses and are thriving. Even there was an article about a Nurse that quit her job and her and her husband is on only fans. If you can’t trust who your with, your wasting your time. Mrs. Chanell said something that was actually pivotal to her response regarding social media posts as well as Rio’s question regarding her feelings towards her husband being invited to the strip club. She stated per the Bible when you lust with your eyes you’ve already sinned. Her and her husband are not just believers but they actively practice and implement the teachings. Her husband most likely his friends are like minded, they would never ask him to go to the strip club. People that practice the teachings move different. Why put yourself in a position that could potentially ruin everything you built. It’s not even a question. I also gotta say this, I understand everyone has an opinion, and from what I see there 2 to 4 people on the panel who are successfully married. Sure you can get advice from anyone, and you certainly can learn from anyone, but when did opinions become facts to live by. If the information is valid, it will stand the test of research. Lastly are we really gonna act like men don’t catch feelings? We didn’t just see a rapper named Trouble get his life taking from him by a jealous quote in quote X boyfriend? This ish happens more often then people think. It’s definitely some emotional dudes out here. Not to mention it’s the first I’ve ever heard a stat talking bout 30% of dudes under 30 being virgins. This is the time we are in

  4. Logic is really growing on me, I bet in "real life" he is a sweetheart. He is th dude at the job you can not stand but, then end up becoming a secert crush because of his personality.

  5. To the last topic, there are more simps and lames than not. There is a reason 30% of men will be virgins when they turn 30. We get on these panels and try to act like most men are on there square and secure and alpha alpha alpha. Most these men in the comments are that guy and are just projecting what they wish they were.

  6. Yall niggas leave Chavon alone mayn! She'll get a good man when she ready. Ain't nothing u old niggas gonna say to change that. Quit tryna b her daddy

  7. Toya I love u ma! What u said about the baking taking time away from the fam and THE FAM was your priority! Bruhhhhhhhhhh…. realest shit I heard in 2022

  8. I’ve never seen so many men joined together in hopes of convincing women to dumb themselves down , look dowdy, rush into risk and sell themselves short in order to protect their fragile egos and masquerade that they are functional worthy men
    And the women backing them up should climb down off mammy mountain instead of tricking your sisters into trauma bonding so you don’t feel so alone laying next to those scum bags at night.
    Kayla and Chevon are drop dead gorgeous and that’s the only reason they go so hard to humble them . Knowing full well that women of that caliber have to be broken down to even consider them an option

  9. I used to side eye divestment or simply think the women were over exaggerating the need to completely shun black men. However today I understand and I’m so thankful that by birth I’m not expected to partner with one . This network prides itself in supposedly highlighting the “ good black folk” and as far as the women with a few exceptions it does that . It’s a lie though because those women aren’t brought on here to be celebrated or encourage young black women but instead these less the stellar men joyfully insult and degrade them more then any other race carrying hate and prejudice could . With no shame while anyone else watches them on here and is disgusted by the low class self hating behavior. There is never an instance for a man to publicly embarrass and degrade a woman for the entertainment of other troglodytes (L.I.U.N). The measure of a culture is how the men treat the women and children. This alone explains why black men will continue being the poster boys for poverty crime and life failure . I have gained a renewed respect for every woman who shuns their advances , seeks higher ground and knows she’s got more worth in her pinky then all their BOA checking accounts combined.

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