Paso Robles city leaders seek community feedback on city’s cannabis regulations

Paso Robles city leaders put out a survey to gather feedback about the city’s cannabis regulations.

“This is just really to find out where everyone’s at,” said City of Paso Robles Police Chief, Damian Nord.

Medicinal marijuana was legalized in California years ago. Recreational use was legalized much more recently. Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. Chief Nord explains in the state of California cities have the right to have more restrictive laws than the state.

“So, this kind of goes toward that avenue of things, how restrictive does the city want to be compared to the state laws,” said Chief Nord.

There are regulations in the City of Paso Robles that would have to be changed to allow recreational marijuana.

“…but again, that is something that they are reaching out to see to get some feedback from the community, you know to find out is there an overwhelming position one way or the other,” said Chief Nord.

The survey covers the entire spectrum of marijuana use and sale from medicinal to recreational.

According to the Paso Robles Police Department, Paso Robles has a handful of licensed vendors who are able to distribute medicinal marijuana.

“Other cities have gone obviously more progressive and done storefronts, medicinal, recreational, so it really just depends on the city you’re in,” said Chief Nord.

Many people KSBY spoke with did not want to share their views about the regulation of cannabis on camera, but the few willing participants said they don’t have a strong opinion on the matter.

“I don’t really have a very strong opinion. I don’t know enough about it yet,” said Paso Robles resident, Shawn Forno.

“I can’t say that I have a strong opinion one way or the other. I think anything that’s beneficial to a majority of people should work out well for a majority of residents,” said Paso Robles resident, Karen Ritchey.

City manager Ty Lewis said this is purely public engagement and a forum for the community to provide public feedback. At a meeting Thursday, they will gather more public information about whatโ€™s important to them regarding retail cannabis sales.

You can find a link to the survey, here. It will remain open until September 5th.

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