Should cannabis products be legal? | Bradley Harris is in a CBD cafe in Cumbria

GB News reporter Bradley Harris is in a CBD cafe in Cumbria, talking to the owner who said the cannabis product changed her life …


  1. We need to just make it legal. It's ridiculous now, the UK is out of touch and so far behind most of the world. We can let people get drunk and cause a scene and make fools of themselves but its illegal for people to just smoke a bit of weed and chill out in a designated place or at home. People need to be educated on this pronto it's a joke. Have a little Google and find out why it was made illegal in the 1st place. You will be surprised 😮

  2. yeah help get it off the streets and make money from taxes, ask the dutch how much they make in taxes and it will free up the police some, no i dont smoke it

  3. Theresa mays husband was producing and selling it abroad all the time we were not allowed to use it. Legal or not, fuck the government

  4. There are approximately 113 cannabinoids present in whole plant cannabis (that work symbiotically with each other and the bodies cannabinoid system) that should be widely available to all for medicinal use, as in more enlightened countries.

    My fear is that in Britain, Big Pharma will try to isolate each cannabinoid, synthesised and patent them, then charge fortune’s for the ‘miracle‘drug’ that is essentially components of a very common plant that has been used for thousands of years.

    I would recommend the book: Cannabis Pharmacy by Michael Backes.
    I would also encourage people to look at the demonisation of cannabis by Harry J. Anslinger, 1930’s America. His propaganda is still being used today.

  5. I'm in my 60s and I've smoked cannabis since a teenager it's relaxing it makes you think more calms you down and now I'm older it helps with my arthritic the fact it's still against the law is so stupid

  6. Sugar is more dangerous than weed!! Caffeine in Coffee kills more people than cannabis each year and is more addictive. Cannabis killed 0 people EVER! 🤦🏼‍♂️ and yes I’m talking about high grade THC filled weed!. CBD should just be as legal as water.

  7. Isn't UK CBD weak compared Canada and other country CBD products? UK CBD did nothing for me, however high levels of Vitamin D has worked wonders for my depression.

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