1. Hi Berg. Please share your views on speech delay and visual seeking problem with kids now a days as it became common with most of the kids. Need a open and clear cut explanation of such delays and what’s the diagnosis to get it cured . Thanks

  2. Dr. Berg, can you recommend a brand that has the most benefits for our health please. I would like to start taking this oil for health but so many brands out there. Help please 😊

  3. Great job explain! Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told us, ‘black seed cures everything other than death’

  4. I’ve struggled with sinus problems for years and last night I had the worst sinus pressure. It was 3am and the pain wouldn’t let me sleep, I was so desperate I was ready to take a Benadryl. Thank God I remembered I had black seed oil in my fridge and took 5ml(diluted of course) within minutes it felt this calming effect and the pressure was gone🙌🏽🙏🏽 I’ve never slept better. Thank you Black seed oil.

  5. I need to check
    I've been taking black seed oil for years
    However on the nutrition information it is evident to notice that it's got Omega 3.6.9
    Omega 6 being quite high in comparison to 3.
    Is that ok with inflammation!? …

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