1. Wow. The WHO, CDC and FDA say there is no proof CBD can aid in the reduction of symptoms! That must mean that CBD probably does work. Let`s ask King Fauci his opinion since he is science!

  2. Of course WHO says it won't help. They're funded by the same companies whose profits would suffer if they said it would. Now they're a study that CBDa and CBGa will indeed prevent Covid.

  3. No one gives a big fat rat’s ass what WHO, the CDC or Fauci says anymore. Your words are being ignored and we will continue to ignore this kind of b.s. we will continue buying and using CBD for whatever we want to use it for so, do take a long walk on a short plank, loser.

  4. What I really want to know is if cbd oil will reduce the inflammation and pain that I'm currently experiencing over large portions of my body because of this covid 19 sickness.

  5. Looks like CBD Oil is today’s Snake Oil. Apparently cannabis and all of its derivatives are the cure for everything now.
    Have acne? cannabis
    Covid? cannabis
    Anxiety? cannabis
    Joint pain? cannabis
    A few spare minutes you need to fill? cannabis

    All without any real research. Looks like people who just want a reason to get high. Well dude I don’t have my CBD on me so… I’ll just get high and drop my IQ while behind the wheel at this stoplight.

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