Veterinarian Explains – Seizures in Cats – Episode 1

Seeing your pet have a seizure can be very stressful. Not knowing what a seizure looks makes this even more difficult. My goal …


  1. Sadly I have seen this more times that I would have liked in my kitty. She recently started having mini seizures I think. Tonight she had a focal seizure. I wondered if mini seizures is a thing? She went in circles and would howl and her tail got stiff and fluffed out. It didn’t last long and she didn’t urinate or convulse. She had all of the behavior after it was over that she does with a grand mal and focal. She paces and is extra lovey and starving.

  2. I have a question, so my 7 month old kitten started having a seizure on Saturday the first time ever that I’d ever seen her do it. It started out as just salivating and shivering like they do when you bathe them. I took her the vets and explained the kittens history, she’s always been smaller then her siblings and used to salivate randomly in the past and sometimes seemed disoriented. So I took her to the vet the same day, they told me she was too ‘wriggly’ to do a blood test and sent me home with 1 gabapentin to give her for when I took her back to the vets 2 days later. But she got worse over night, full body shaking, salivating and urinating. The next night she got really really bad, seizures happening every few minutes, yowling and then she started growling and hissing whilst seizureing. I was on my way to the emergency and the seizure kept going, wouldn’t stop, her eyes has fully dilated and stuck her tongue out and went still- she died. So my question is was she in pain and is it normal to die when having seizures and why did the vets send me home

  3. This was very informative. Thank you for making this video. My farm cat had a seizure yesterday that lasted for approximately 25-30 minutes. I made the hard call to end her suffering peacefully. Although I am at a loss as to what brought on the seizure, I suspect poisoning because this was the only one I ever witnessed and it lasted for so long. Thank you once again for the informative video

  4. as someone who has sadly seen far too many seizures in her own cat, i would like to see some more videos of a cat experiencing a preseizure aura. i realize aura symptoms, if present, can widely vary from cat to cat but the more we see, the more we might be able to spot in our own cats and better prepare for the seizure. thanks for doing these videos and explaining things for us!

  5. Are all seizures violent like this in cats? Or do they also have some sort of "silent" seizures with brain tumors? I just watched your other video about brain tumor as well and I really hope you can help me. I'm SO confused: My 20 years old had been to a check up at the vet in July/21. Blood work and radiology were ok, in spite of the fact that she was constipated every now and then. Fixed the constipation with pumpkin diet. Then, in the beginning of Dec/21, she threw up a lot of water and bile(no hairball) and went blind for almost 24 hrs about 10-15 minutes after the vomit. Other than both pupils being extremely dilated and her slightly bumping into things( she was very careful walking around), she seemed her usual self and even ate normally. I took her to the emergency right away and they ruled out hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure( it was 160, and she was extremely stressed at the vet), and all the usual eye problems that could be, except brain tumor. Her blood work at the time showed altered RBC 6.42, Hematocrit 29.7, Hemoglobin 9.6, WBC 18.29, Neutrophils 15.52, and BUN 53. The vet diagnosed her with CKD stage 1-2 and told me to go see a neurologist for the blindness, since they didn't have the MRI machine. I haven't yet because she's 20. I wasn't sure I wanted to put her through treatment or surgery or if they're worth it at this age. I just changed her to a low phosphorus diet and I'm giving the required Omega 3, B-12 vitamins for CKD. However; she just went blind right now again. Out of the blue, her pupils just got really big. No vomit this time, just diarrhea (still eating pumpkin daily) and she's still acting like it's "no biggie". In fact, she just ate and is slowly walking around the apt, as if she was "mapping" it. Prior to today, she seemed to have short periods of just staring at nothing for the past week, before being herself again. The same behavior I recall she was having prior to going blind the first time. Sorry for the super long description, but I wanted to give you as much detail as I could. Finally, my confusion is: Do you suspect it's a tumor? I'm wondering if there are other types of seizures and that the staring at nothing, unresponsive, for a minute would be it. The brain tumor video didn't say if one or more symptoms should be present and she doesn't seem to have any other ones. Or does it sound like the blood pressure might have spiked and it's Hypertension? Could it not have spiked the first time around and now it did? I just don't know what to do. I don't want her to suffer and I certainly don't want her to have these types of seizures shown in your video. Would you recommend surgery/treatment if it's a brain tumor in a 20 year old cat, who's very young- looking and still jumps and acts like a young cat? Thank you in advance! I'm super worried about my baby, and I just don't know/can't decide what's best for her.

  6. My cat is having a seizure as of the moment. It started around 4:30am. It was actually his first seizure so we are very stressed out. He just finished his last seizure around 30 mins ago. And it was maybe his 6th seizire since an hour and a half ago. Until now his head is pointed to the ceiling and breathing heavily. He is only 5 months old. 🥺😔

  7. This is so hard to watch! We are currently trying to figure out what exactly is going on with our cat. Not sure if it could be seizures or if she maybe had a stroke.

  8. I never knew about seizures in cats until it’s happened to my cat last night 😭..I’m feeling so bad because I don’t know what to do and just watching him and put him at the warm place..

  9. Thank you so much for this video! I have never seen what a seizure in cats looks like and if I had witnessed that for the first time with one of my cats, I would have been terrified. While I hope that I will never have to experience one of my cats having a seizure, I feel much more prepared knowing what to expect and what to do in that unfortunate event. I would love to see more videos about cats in the future!

  10. great video, thank you so much. I am a paranoid cat mom. I love them so much that I am in a constant fear that they have some silent disease and they might die the next day. I know it's an irrational and extreme fear. my question is, if this happens, is it recommended that we take the cat to the vet immediately? or let them rest and take them the following day? I can imagine the cat being exhausted and confused after a seizure and that rest period might beneficial for them than adding another layer of stress by taking them out and all. I would appreciate an answer. than you so much for the very informative video!

  11. I used to work on a pediatric neurology floor and saw many seizures. It’s interesting for me to see seizures in dogs/cats in the videos you posted. Thank you for posting informational videos! My cat has the sugars, but thank the lord no neurologic issues. Do cats have a postictal phase where they are knocked out after the seizure?

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