#193 Healing isn't Passive. Your words have POWER. No one will work harder than you to heal YOU.

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  1. Yeah, sorry, Amy, I’m not a fan. I refuse to believe that I’m psychologically damaged from trauma (I had an idyllic childhood) and that my chakras need balancing in order to heal my Hashimoto’s. I believe that food is healing and I just need to dial in what will work for me. I’ve done it before with great success. I was lower fat keto and healed my fibromyalgia and CF, but I wanted to see whether carnivore would help get rid of the last of my of autoimmune issues. I call BS on her ideas. Just my opinion, of course.

  2. Amy, I love your content, but this interview really upset me. I felt as though our community was attacked for following what our doctors have told us to do for years and researching our way to figure out how to heal ourselves with food. I know many of us struggle with disordered eating, but advising us to moderate and forget about the food when we have found freedom in abstaining from our triggers is distasteful and absurd. I agree with the idea that trauma gets stuck in our bodies, but I truly felt attacked by her delivery on a channel where I typically feel loved. I love you, Amy, but will not be watching any more content by her and am unfollowing her on all platforms. I don't need the negatively in my life. ❤

  3. I have to say, this was the most negative view of the eating way of life that has finally given me hope at age 61. She belittled us for trying to take control of our health by watching our macros. From someone who has suffered with hypothyroidism for 15 years, because an idiot doctor told me my enlarged thyroid lobe had to be removed, instead of trying to treat me with iodine and vitamin d. Both f which were low but never tested. Then as followup he only checked my TSH and said your good. From doctors who removed my uterus, ovaries and lymph nodes but never talked to me about hormone replacement. I found myself gaining 50+ lbs after each surgery. I have worked hard at trying to lose weight, nothing worked. I finally found keto/carnivore and have lost 60 lbs. I have had stalls but monitoring my macros have assured me it was temporary because I was staying in ketosis. Then I come here and the first words out of this doctors mouth is telling me I am doing it wrong? I hope you haven't sent anyone else away disheartened like me. Thankfully I have great self worth and will just brush this episode off. Not worthy of my time.

  4. Truth Truth Truth. That victim energy and claiming all those illnesses by constantly speaking them will take a physical vessel out. Our body is listening to us and our words are creating. Being mindful of the words that I speak to myself and about myself is my number 1 wellness tool in my medicine bag. Think for a moment. What have you been speaking to yourself and others.

  5. Wow just wow!!!! Love her. So much truth in what she says. I did some child hood healing a couple of years ago and the weight came off so much easier after that……is she by chance an acupuncturist? What type of Dr is she? THIS is what I’m working on……and have been……. This deep stuff! Hence my handle……Transcender! ❤️❤️❤️

  6. I have a somatic practice that has made a huge difference with my nervous system that was stuck in the freeze response due to trauma. HUGE difference that flowed into my eating journey! I appreciate the Dr and Amy bringing this to the forefront ♥️

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