1. I know this is a late question given the time of this podcast…but what is the longest you 3 have ever held a poop 💩? Under the circumstances where there was no toilet in sight, or you were just nowhere near a washroom. Mine was an hour and it was torture 😫.

  2. Now my poops are like clockwork, about half an hour after I wake up the poop comes, as it did on this Wednesday. I get on the treadmill around 8 and put this episode on. I genuinely had to stop 10 mins in and go for a second poopy after hearing Glenn talk about his visualisation techniques and I started to think of a cream Labrador curling one out. Thanks Glenn

  3. There's some serious irony in selling healthy products like the greens or better help then turning around and selling gambling (an addiction) to people.

  4. Cool, another podcast to listen to.
    So.. I just discovered this show this year. I am late to the party I know. Just last week I had seen this episode.
    Nothing has made my laugh so hard as Artemis' monologue at the end of the episode. Her delivery is just so amazing. Unreal.
    I love her random appearances in eps from here to there. This one killed me. Watching all the ridiculous video with her narrating. Pure gold.

  5. I let a fart out and something extra came out. Funny thing is I did it in front of my ring camera so you can see my reaction to when I realized I pooped a little

  6. "Who Pooped the Bed?" is by far my favorite episode. If I were tasked with picking one episode to show someone to convince them to watch the show, it would be this one. Artemis is the best supporting character, she steals every scene she is in. As much as I'd love to see her in more episodes, I wonder if she wouldn't be as special if she was present more. That happened with Raffi in The League, he was the best until he was over-saturated.

  7. 31:39 I feel like there was a missed joke there. When Rob says “most don’t give a shit, they want to be there , kind of – and they want you to be quick “ — sounds like how my wife feels about sex

  8. @59:48 That would be the poop after eating a full 500g/20oz bag of salted peanuts, or approximately 400g/16oz of pistachio nuts. If one makes it to the toilet, it looks like a cowpat in the toilet bowl, and can take a good few flushes to get rid of it. No need for the poop knife in most circumstances thankfully.

  9. Just running on the "couples who kill together" thing I would highly recommend the film Sightseers. So good and funny and weird and shows how you might start to kill together

  10. The 47 episode with the show playing through is the best presentation of all the other episodes…It was fun watching them go through the episode.

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