5 Insulin Resistance & Diabetes Diet Tips to Lower Blood Sugar

If you have insulin resistance, prediabetes, or diabetes and are looking for the best diet to lower your blood sugar, this episode is …


  1. I suffered from Diabetes for a long time until I finally met Dr OBEHi Herbal Home on YouTube he send me herbs after I used this Herbs for a few weeks I can testify I am completely free..

  2. Great info in a concise format. I would add one thing…each person needs to understand their food sensitivities. I have Oral Allergy Syndrome (ragweed and birch), so I avoid the foods that cause me inflammation due to this. But there are other foods and spices the seem to cause me inflammation as well. Learn what foods cause you inflammation and avoid them.

    Signs of inflammation that I look for is excessive weight gain after eating a food, itching in my mouth, swelling or excess phlegm in my throat, itchy patches of skin, or puffiness under my eyes. Inflammation from food is short lived. It lasts 3 to 5 days, after you stop eating the offending food.

    For instance, I seem to have a sensitivity to multiple ingredients in pumpkin spices and in pumpkin puree. This causes me to gain 3 to 5 pounds after eating pumpkin bread. That excess weight comes off quickly after not eating the pumpkin bread for 3 days.

  3. Loved the "Good, Better, Best" example! I've been trying to teach my young adult son to make better food choices and STILL enjoy his food. I will definitely add the "Good, Better, Best" mantra to our diet decisions. This seems like a more workable model for him.

  4. I would love to see what a typical day of eating looks like for you. Also very confused about what style of eating is best due to kidney function imbalance and high triglycerides.

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