1. This is such a b.s. interview, Rodgers is so fake. He basically holds a cigar in his hand the entire interview and never puts in in his mouth. I do agree with him on vacs, but he's doing this for show.

  2. Vaxxed people were confident they wouldn't get it. Then they got it. Then they pretended they survived because they were vaxxed. And by the way…some of them died and no one was allowed to say anything.

  3. Either you get vaxxed or get tested every week. Itā€™s no controversy. In LA thatā€™s what they did everywhere, wear your mask or you canā€™t be in the establishment. Not a big deal.

  4. when the 1st gen of the vaccine were introduced, i did research into them as i started hearing reports that the vaccine was causing side effects that were either minor or in the rare case, near fatal. luckily no one in my immediate family were allergic to them, but that many were not so. the vaccine was a loaded gun that no one knew how to operate.

  5. My mom had all vaccinations including boosters and now has one blood clot in her leg and another in her foot. She's now having surgery September 8th to have a stint put in.

  6. There's a backlash against this discussion? What happened to free speech being a good thing? It's like the pandemic gave people failed experimental jabs and an allergy to free speech. Hmmm?

  7. The NFL pumps guys full of Percocets but will suspend you for weed. Old white man logic. Take these terrible overpriced pills that ruin lives but if you smoke weed you're a junkie and can't play lmao

  8. He was willing to try a "solution" that he can't even provide details about now, yet continues to believe that his research, and critical thinking was superior to society's. Even to this day, fact checkers disprove his "research", because ingesting small portions of viral material doesn't work, it was based on hearsay. No one publicly shamed his ignorance or choice, that's his right, just his bombastic, arrogant, entitled response to being questioned about it. Remember, he's the one who went attack dog ranting about "woke" and "cancel culture", trying the offense is the best defense approach before even the first public critiques. The NFL and Packers had literally acquiesced to him prior to that, and afterwards, and there are plenty of unvaxed players. This whole "Rodgers" thing was a self created soapbox.

  9. Rodgers isnā€™t really talking naturally and hesitates when he talks when explaining his choice and the ā€œwhyā€ behind it. His speaking changes when he goes into easier territory. I donā€™t really care he is not vaccinated but at this point just be honest.

  10. All the public shaming had an opposite effect it motivated alot of people myself included to not get the booster! I would rather get COVID than belong to a mindless cult!

  11. Recently I was in Mexico and I came down with covid. I was never vaccinated so I expected to get it. Funny thing, my husband who was vaccinated and boosted twice came down with covid two days after I did. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ We both went to the doctor and he said that 8 out of 10 patients he sees have covid. Some of my friends had covid 3 times after being vaccinated. I know families that split apart because of the fear installed in them. Lets face it, covid is here to stay and it doesn't matter what people do or don't do, if they are meant to get it they will. Take care of yourself, that is the best vaccine in the market and don't fear about loosing friendship over it, it's not worth it! Soon or later they will get the virus too and will try to comeback, unfortunately things will never be the same as they were. Life is to short and it's not healthy to waste it over someone unworthy of the love we have to offer. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

  12. Funny how Rogers mentioned a teammate who caught covid in August of 2021 who was fully vaccinated. Dude then passes it along to other players on the team and no one says anything to the guy. Rogers then gets covid 4-5 months later and because he stuck up for himself the media and NFL then feels its ok to ridicule his decision not to get vaccinated šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™„
    The NFL is a private enterprise and they need to stay the hell out of politics. Play football, entertain us, make some money and shut your mouth about politics. Roger Goodell is a total wimp

  13. All Iā€™m hearing are EXCUSES. Aaron Rogers wanted to get the salary of a ā€˜leaderā€™, but didnā€™t want to BE a leader. Leaders act as an example- if Rodgers didnā€™t want to follow NFL rules, then he declares heā€™s not going to play football. Period. If you think the NFL VAX policy is ā€˜optionalā€™, then ANY rule is optional? Holding, pass interference, targeting, etc. etc. etc. Rodgers TEAM understood the rules, but Rodgers wants to be an INDIVIDUAL. Heā€™s no leader.

  14. Novak looks sickly. He's looked sickly for about 10 years. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies relatively young, and I certainly wouldn't get vaccinated if I were him.

  15. Aaron Rodgers was MVP….NFC Championship HOME Game in LAMBEAU…Tom Brady & Bucs Came in and took a DUMP on Rodgers & Packers…Aaron Rodgers is a Reg Season QB who has no GREATNESS to him and has an
    INFERIOR Mentality in Playoffs…Most OVERRATED QB in NFL History…

  16. Never trust anybody in the media there some of the worst human beings on the face of the earth with all of there righteous crusades and if you donā€™t agree with them they try to destroy and defame you

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