Best Nootropics: Top 5 Products For Brain Function

Still have some questions about what nootropics are or how they might help improve brain health? 

The topic can be a tricky one—and shouldn’t be one that’s taken lightly, so we’ve put together some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about nootropics below.

What’s the difference between CBD and nootropics?

CBD and nootropics are two entirely different types of compounds.

Also known as cannabidiol, CBD is a chemical called a cannabinoid, which is found in the cannabis plant. There are more than 100 cannabinoids found in hemp, and they work together to create the plant’s overall texture, taste, scent, and much more.

When consumed by the body, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Found throughout the body and brain as a series of sensors, the ECS works to help keep the body in a state of internal balance. CBD plugs directly into this network, helping these sensors become more sensitive to their internal environment and work more quickly and effectively to bring any imbalances back to a state of stasis. 

Since it interacts with a system that spans the whole body, CBD can help with any number of ailments, including issues with skin dryness or flakiness, chronic pain, sore muscles, and even instances of anxiety and depression.

Nootropics, on the other hand, primarily affect the brain. In general, they open up the brain’s neurological pathways to receiving more—or different—types of chemicals, which causes a chain reaction throughout the mind and body. Unlike CBD, nootropics are also stimulants, which create a greater sense of energy in the body and more focus in the mind.

Will CBD nootropics help me focus?

Combining the effects of CBD and nootropics can have a powerful impact, which is why many companies have started pairing these chemical compounds off together.

CBD can help create better mental performance by promoting a sense of calm throughout the mind and body. That alone is often helpful for people to cultivate a sense of focus and clarity. But nootropics can also produce these effects by directly impacting the cognitive function of the brain. That the two come about creating a sense of calm focus using different biological methods makes them complementary.

And while CBD is still relatively new in the world of research, and studies on all of the chemical’s potential are ongoing, other research efforts have found that combining certain nootropics together can amplify the power of both – so it’s possible that a similar effect can be achieved by mixing nootropics with CBD.

Will I fail a drug test with CBD nootropics?

The answer to this is most likely no.

While some types of CBD do contain some tetrahydrocannabinol—a.k.a. THC, the chemical compound responsible for getting high—which is most frequently what drug tests are searching for, the product can only legally be sold when containing no more than 0.3% THC. In order for that amount of the chemical to show up on a drug test, someone would have to take very large quantities of full-spectrum CBD for a prolonged period of time.

For their part, nootropics aren’t typically looked for in drug test results at all, which should make them mostly safe for anyone who’s concerned.


Nootropics are a fascinating and incredible group of chemical compounds with so much potential for boosting mental performance, cognitive function, and overall brain health. Together, these botanic, synthetic, and prescription concoctions have the power to make our minds function better, stronger, and faster.

Combined with the advantages of CBD, nootropics can have a potent impact on the body’s level of calm clarity. And while there are some concerns about certain classes of nootropics—and no one should ever take prescription medications without the full consent of their doctor—using some over-the-counter products in moderation, especially those including all-natural or botanical nootropics, can be a great way to offer your body and brain the boost of energy it needs.


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