Calling the Doctor…she's coughing up blood

Raelynn coughed up blood, so we were concerned that maybe something was wrong and she needed to go to the hospital. So we …


  1. This girl has no life. They would be better to keep her in a residential setting where she can receive the appropriate medical care. They don’t seem to be able to. I feel sorry for the kid

  2. Oh my gosh i am so sorry this happened. I hope she is able to recover okay, thats so scary. I remember having seizures from my epilepsy before we started treatments where I could cough up blood and it was super scary to sort of exit from.

  3. things like this are scary
    ( left long gap incase u dont want to read my teeth incident )

    my dentist was so calm when he saw me , i had 9 teeth out. i woke in a mess the next day so had to go back had packing and antibiotics but cus the dentist was at end of school drive , kid thought i was skipping school and had done it on purpose and made the whole thing up . you couldn’t make what both raylann and had been through yet people think you do. the lady on the phone was so calm and my dentist was just the same

    it not there not worrying there keeping calm so you stay calm. yes its frustrating but like she say any problems call back and my dentist and his assistant said the same. they no ur worried they are too but trying noy to worry u anymore then u are

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