1. I think poisoning is probably the wrong term. I mean, obviously, they'll really mess you up if you over do it, and kids would probably have a pretty rough time, but they'll be fine ina few hours. Give'em a nap and some cold juice or a slurpee and just hold the little buggers close to make them feel safe.
    Priority one is to ultimately keep your kids out of your stash. Rough trips aren't something the kids should have to deal with

  2. This is actually a serious issue but it is being deliberately blown all out of proportion. Does ANYONE expect that there would NOT be more 'poisonings' in places where the product exists than in places that it doesn't exist? The real question is how many of these children are seriously or permanently injured and how many just got high and went back to normal several hours later? My bet is the death toll is still zero and the permanent injury toll is also zero and the serious injury toll is so close to zero as to be negligible.

  3. ā¬†ļøšŸ‘†lookup šŸ‘†for the handle above, , he got shrooms ,lsd, iboga, ketamines,cšŸ„°ke, cannabis,psych meds, dmt trips, acids, chocolate bars psilocybin and he ships too!.ā˜‘ļøāœ…ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøšŸ‘†,

  4. Dear news reporters, while kids shouldn't be eating these, it's not "poisoning". Poisoning is injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching or injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms or gases. These kids are not expecting the effects they have or not ready for them to be as strong as they will be, but no significant harm will come to them, they mainly just need someone to sit with them and help calm them down and ride out the effects.

  5. It's not the fault of cannabis edible and the endustry that some parents are morons. It IQ tests were used to determine what can and can't be bought, we'd suffer a economic depression pretty quickly.

    That said, the packaging of some edibles should be tweeked to no look like typical candy packaging you'd find in a variety store.

  6. Instead of blaming the edibles try blaming the idiots that leave them accessible to kids. If you're a parent that doesn't have the brains to secure your stash leave the edibles alone.

  7. "Adult" Cannabis Consumers deserve and demand equal rights and protections under our laws that are currently afforded to the drinkers of far more dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised and even glorified as an All-American pastime, alcohol. Plain and simple! Legalize Nationwide Federally Now!

  8. Regarding ā€œThe Childrenā€,

    Letā€™s not use ā€œThe Childrenā€ as an excuse to prohibit and criminalize adult use of a natural plant far less dangerous than perfectly legal alcohol because nobody condones child use, and this is about allowing adults only to choose cannabis. Itā€™s our responsibility as parents by to educate our children on drug use. Itā€™s not the governmentā€™s job to force Draconian cannabis Laws upon every adult citizen under the guise of protecting ā€œThe Childrenā€.

  9. What message are we sending our children when it is easier for them to obtain cannabis now with it being illegal than it is for them to buy alcohol? It doesnā€™t take the intellect of a genius to understand that stores card kids for I.D. Thugs and gang members do not. They also push the real hard drugs on children. Stores do not. Cannabis legalization will make it harder for children to obtain it.

  10. The Prohibition of cannabis is the wrong message to send our children while we glorify, advertise and promote the much more dangerous use of alcohol like itā€™s an all American pastime. The worst thing about cannabis and our children is what happens to them when they get caught up in the criminal justice system due to itā€™s prohibition. Protect ā€œThe Childrenā€ and Our Neighborhoods Through The Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis Nationwide!

  11. There will always be irresponsible parents. Fortunately, nobody has ever died of cannabis consumption, so the kids will be just fine. But authorities need to follow up with proper counseling for both the children and the parents. And cannabis education should start at a young age, just like teaching kids not to use alcohol. Some still will, but more can be done to reduce the numbers.

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