CBD and your DOG

Get great skin, coat, and overall health with CBD and your dog! We are taking a deep dive into learning ALL the benefits CBD oil …


  1. Okay I have a Labrador. She’s very well rounded. But I cannot fit the life of me, clip her nails. I’ve tried the clippers. I even slowly tried to acclimate her to them as a puppy. She’s not having it. I tried a dremel. She’s not having it. Does anyone think cbd would help? Or should I just wait until her vet visit and have them do it ? I’d really like to get it done myself though. They bother me every time I look at them

  2. Would you recommend petals and tails shampoo and after bath spray for short haired dogs with dry skin I bathe a few of my friends and families dogs and some of them have dry skin, also what shampoo would you recommend for livestock guardian dogs that are outside 90 percent of the time I’m considering maybe natures specialty’s highly concentrated or maybe green grooms odor eliminator shampoo or something else you might recommend any tips ?

  3. Here is my story with a puppy not liking nail trim. When I got him for the first time, he was perfectly behaved dog for the nail. After that mom decided to buy a dremel and file between grooms. She had no idea what she was doing and the next time I was grooming the pup, he freaked out the moment I took his paw! He leaped from the table to the floor. I was dumbfounded! No idea she tried to dremel at home! Anyway, now it is impossible to cut his nail, I bought a hammock especially hor him. He would trаsh the hammock! It's a 1,5yo wire fox terrier, full of energy. I feel like crying, because he was a perfect pup!😔 and like you Amy, I dont give calming agents to dogs!

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