Crystal Structure of the CB1 Receptor

Patient Reviewed Papers w/ Team Smokenol (CB1 Receptors) Miyabe Shields, PhD Chief Science Officer, REAL Isolates …


  1. Could've given a brief preliminary about the paper, summarized it, concluding thoughts, then how-to on reading academic journal articles. Didn't learn anything of import in this discussion, unfortunately.

  2. Thank you very much. I am a class A felon for growing 21 pot plants in some years after getting out of military service with a top secret job. Never herd of complex PTSD. I was around live nukes and have a lot cascading fiscal problems & military gave out pills of no pain to fix thing's. I got introduced to a Oregon medical pot group they were making " Rick Simpson Oil" . The group had around 30 people that doc's had sent home to die because of no other treatment options ( hep C, cancers, MS, ) all still alive using full spectrum cannabis oil. I stopped taking the pills and started to feel a little better (after a brief to stoned stage) The VA doesn't approve of this & threatening to take away all benefits for not following Doc's recommended plan's. Now VA doc's ask if I am still using cannabis to help my sleeping, but they do not write on my charts the benefits, only that I use cannabis. This chart note almost cost me my social security benefits (the judge felt smoking the pot was my problem) This world where I can't even talk about what has saved my life or back to street with no benefits. One last rant is the Democrat's promised to legalized the cannabis and everytime they fail to do it, so weak both parties use people as prison slave labor.

  3. Yeahh do more solo interviews again these are good. Stay on topic, live streams lately get a bit odd if I do say so myself more often then not. Not trying to sound negative but it’s kinda crazy and strange to be sucked into lives that are 2,3,4 hours and are random nonsense and or when a panel host/guest wants to show things often, they’ll be ignored and or interrupted or the focus will be sucked away… food for thought Peter mulch love brother(s)

  4. Miyabe, Riley and Andy… I have a content picture to paint. The three of you would make a great team in the format of a roundtable chat with specific topics that are fresh in the cannabis space, like research, news and industry trends. Think a scaled down 'The View'. Topics that would fit a monthly or quarterly schedule seem to fit your styles, and style you all have! Miyabe with her curious, wandering thoughts as she explores a subject, Riley a bit more scheduled and on topic and Andy like a common voice influence. The three of you, 3 microphones, lets go! 🙂 💪

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