1. This guy is what’s wrong with the mentality against pot. Alcohol is way way way more dangerous than pot will ever be. Alcohol kills so many people directly and indirectly. Pot helps people. Anyone who drinks alcohol but then says pot is a problem needs to realize that they are the problem. Just let people live their own lives and do what they want. And if they want to continue to oppose it than they should in no way benefit from any of the tax revenue that comes from it’s sale. So just stop with the lies and opinions and stop trying to ruin other peoples lives.

  2. When someone says ohh I just don’t like it or it’s not for me but have no justification for why they feel that way …. Dan you’re amazing my guy 🤦🏾‍♂️💪🏾

  3. The point Dan, is that they should have never made it illegal to begin with. So legalizing it would only be undoing what nobody wanted them to do in the first place. We don't elect leaders for philosophical debate, we elect them to represent our interests. You have half the population that want it and the other half like yourself don't really give a shit, so why keep it illegal? I don't really see the other half rallying to keep it illegal? So who is it that you represent?

  4. What they took from China they gave to the Taliban that's a BAD BAD JOKE. Listening to a Congress I like say that. Made hair stand up on my NECK!!!!! He's knows what he said was a complete LIE. China gave away the Heroin to the Taliban…

  5. Alchohol negatively effects more people than Pot and many many Prescription drugs. Absolutely despise The Stigmatic Lies about Opiates. Crave the Pills yes. But you can stop. Again most people in the USA have taken and respect the prescription. Of Course I personally despise drug dealers. For dealing Drugs to kids or anyone else with out those controls. With out warnings. With out having a real CLUE what in street drugs.

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