The boys are joined by David Rubin to discuss the amazing personality of UFC heavyweight Chris Barnett, legless MMA fighter …


  1. Iā€™m a fan of the show. I prefer the older episodes though. I think Brenden should watch some of the older episodes to see what was working. I hope things improve. Iā€™m rooting for them.

  2. What was that part about their generation not being very racist? Referring to photos of athletes on the wall and all. I might've missed something, but knowing this dude in the middle…he's kinda rubbed me the wrong way with his comments about racism. You can NEVER understand what it's like to be a black person in America. You have NO CLUE. You can NOT see what they have to deal with everyday because you've never had to deal with it. You can't begin to imagine what racism feels like. You grew up in a system that was built to favor you. Its unfortunate guys like you still exist.

  3. Brendan shut up! Youā€™re 100% wrong about every single one of your UFC predictions! Off by a lot in fact itā€™s usually the complete opposite of what you say you big dummy

  4. Legit canā€™t even watch this bullshit anymore without getting triggered at literally everything they say. Brendanā€™s CTE is getting bad heā€™s soo dumb it hurts

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