1. 34:48 It feels like first governor title basically always has to be Pingala. There's occasionally a very chop heavy start that makes a Magnus, chop/pop double promo for settler spam the better choice and Amani is good if you can't get golden age era score any other way or a specific city state bonus is going to give a busted advantage you can't turn down, but Pingala drives every aspect of your civ growth forward including more governor titles so those first promos going to his culture abilities pays back so soon. It's unfortunate because it limits early choices if you're trying to optimise. I think BBG does something to address that (but I have only watched people play BBG so I'm not very familiar with it) but it feels like something that needs a slight rebalance. With Civ7 on the horizon I think we can forget about any more game play updates for Civ6 though.

  2. Luddites were known for sabotaging the new machines in their factories. It was an aggressive form of a workplace dispute. They were protesting poor working conditions and mass layoffs in the face of industrialization. But the capitalist controlled press at the time ignored their complaints and painted them as simply hating progress and technology. That is the use of the term that has been repeated and passed down until today.

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