1. ALL of the problems that now swirl around marijuana are not due to the near harmless plant, but caused by the counter-productive, FRAUDULENTLY enacted prohibition. — Science and widespread experience have shown marijuana has no significant harms. – Hence, the only regulation it really needs is to prohibit sales to children and require adequate sanitation, as we do for all produce.

  2. You're absolutely correct! The cannabis industry is just like the alcohol, tobacco and firearms industries……..just another venue whereby the pharisees hunt their prey šŸ™

  3. The police either know exactly what they are talking about or just speculation, you decide. When you say human trafficking then give the "victims" misdemeanor charges. Whole story is bs. Show the "guy" who was caught…..

  4. Well if the Dems would follow through with the promises they made this country marijuana would be declassified & folks can grow there own thus eliminating trafficking in the marijuana business!

  5. This is what happens when the states give marijuana permits only to large, corporate scale growers. First the small local grower is closed out entirely, and then the cartels, with its human trafficking, fuel the black market. Let the local, small farmers in to keep prices down and the black market in check.

  6. Fun Fact all legalized States have different regulations, this story is specific to the California marijuana industry, this would never end up in leagle Colorado dispensaries due to our detailed tracking system…. here's an idea, federally legalize so we can consistantly regulate and protect people.

  7. Shut those lawless illegal growers down.Not only r they stealing from the natural water table.The operators pollute the water supply.Driving the legal tax paying growers into bankruptcy.Newsom is dropping the ball.Non permitted grower r from friends countries.Use slaves as labor sources.Pay in Weed.The clueless slaves sell there weed for Pennies in the dollar to eat

  8. Do Americans still live under the Queen of England's rule? Cannabis is a plant much like lettuce, tomatoes, morning glories, tobacco, ect.
    There's no need to require permits to grow or sell cannabis anywhere in the United States of America. All that is needed is a business license to set up shop and then pay sales tax and income tax.

  9. its Cannabis. learn history and dont use the term "marijuana" thats a racial slur (towards native americans) in 2022 that media perpetuates as propaganda fueled by the liquor industry.

  10. Officer is lying most or non of that will end up in legal dispensaries. Track and trace system METRc makes it very difficult not impossible but very difficult.

  11. It should be legal federally nation wide. America is way behind on this. The land of the free, right? Well other countries are more free and have less people in prisons because they got rid of stupid laws, like illegal marijuana.

    Alcoholism causes more deaths and domestic violence than any other drug, but itā€™s rampant and on every single sporting event like itā€™s good to drink all the time. Marijuana is far less harmful and has actual health benefits, and is even being used to treat children with autism.

    End the stupidity America, this plant isnā€™t nearly as bad for us as alcohol but I see liquor stores on every corner.

    In legal states, People shouldnā€™t need to see drug dealers to buy a state legal product! Imagine vodka being legal, but having to see a dealer who may put heroin in your vodka, to buy vodka. Makes sense? Of course not!

    People are overdosing in nyc because theyā€™re buying laced marijuana off the streets. Complete nonsense.

    America is a false narrative at this point, with liars for leaders.
    Look at Amsterdam. How are we more free than those people?

    Legalize prostitution
    Legalize marijuana federally.

  12. I seen human trafficking in Orlando east indian woman a small girl, and a baby in a stroller selling roses at publix. I left publix and went to Trader Joe's and there was another woman and girl and a baby selling roses. They were across the street from one another. I feel there was somebody watching them.

  13. I love how inflated the cop's statements are on legal stores selling illegal product. While it does happen, it's at nowhere near the numbers quoted due to all the regulations that actual govern how those stores are required to get their pot, track the amounts, and testing required to sell. If you want people to take your stories seriously you need to show the actual facts on store sales instead of just making one person's beliefs a part of the story.

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