1. if you start this video, please don't comment unless you've watched the whole video. I hope someone close to Gabbie or a loved one can intervene as its getting more and more dangerous. She let a second stranger into her house yesterday, and each time she does this, the risk increases for her to be harmed by someone taking advantage of the mentally ill. It happens more often than you think. In the upper right corner of the screen there should be a fundraiser option. I have donated 100$ to start off to reach 1000$ goal for mental health awareness. Please donate anything you can to help us reach the goal.

    Additionally, if you want to watch my videos early with special discord roles, become a member of the channel today! ๐Ÿ”ฅ


  2. Watching this a week and a half later, seems she is aware that she was/is having a manic episode/mental health crisis. Iโ€™m glad that most peoples reactions were concern. I genuinely hope/pray/etc that she gets the help she needs.

  3. Reminds me of my ex when he kept doing mushrooms. He doesn't have bipolar but the pychotic trips gave him a mania high just like this. Always talking about visions, spiritual acension, meanwhile mentally abusing me behind closed doors, blowing all of our money and them abandoning me because he "had the secrets of the universe." I feel for GH's family. This is horrible to witness knowing you can't stop it because the mentally ill cannot see their own madness.

  4. Iโ€™m no Gabbie fan, but I definitely agree that she needs help immediately. Hopefully someone in her family or close circle will get her the mental help she needs. I know sheโ€™s problematic and some stuff that she does is just gross, but her latest stuff is just so concerning. I would never wish ill on someone who is already in such a deep struggle. Hoping for the best for her.

  5. Daniel, you can absolutely disregard mentaI heaIth of dnoodIes, bcs two wrongs make a right, you can descend to his IeveI, keep helping to push him to end it.

  6. i have someone in my family, whose psychoses worsened during the lockdowns, and they re saying things similar to what Gabbie is saying. They have refused help and consider everyone to be against them, sadly people nowadays just ignore them and tell others to do the same and not "feed" them attention. It`s pretty sad…

  7. You have a very interesting, motivating approach toward Mental Health, raising awareness and offering help instead of ridicule. ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‹

    On another note, I heard that Nader ElShamy and his degenerate, sadistic character is now on your Radar. Good. That person definitely needs to be off of a platform which allows him to identify and target vulnerable women, one of whom has allegedly brought a charge of r.pe against him. Best wishes.

  8. hi/new subscriber – don't know where to put this to get your attention – have you seen Troll Detective's latest brief video showing DeeDee with two black eyes? (Nader in background)

  9. Looking forward to your Nader Elscammy video.
    He's a vile, disgusting, and violent little coward.
    He deserves to be outed by a larger platform.
    Cause YouTube don't care, that he's constantly breaking their own TOS.

  10. she posted something a couple days ago p much saying she was manic & that she had only experienced hypomania episodes so she didnโ€™t kno what was happening. still triad to duck all the awful shit she said tho

  11. I cannot believe that man just entered her house???? That's absolutely not okay! """I wanna help but I don't know how"""' shut the fuck up, that is not how that works, literally stay away?? He's inserting himself in the situation to try to get attention.
    I feel so bad for her, not only experiencing this but also becoming a spectacle and a target for assholes.

  12. Donโ€™t pretend to give a fuck about her mental health when you were making videos on this chick last year. All these commentary/drama channels making videos on her acting like they give af about her only to make money off of her after bashing this girl. ๐Ÿ™„

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