1. 2 centuries of slavery use and abuse of minorities is not easy to dismiss.
    THE EVIL Republicans are not GOD ALMIGHTY! They've called on evil and evil will take them down.

  2. Cuomo sorry but if something is not good open your eyes only medicinally Marijuana is good recreational is wrong.
    Recreational you give license to smoke that's wrong if you do that you are disgusting and bullshit

  3. New York needs to also unban flavored ejuices. That “it’s for the kids” argument is bullshit. It’s all big pharma, big medical, big tobacco, and the master settlement agreement. Once a smoker turns into a vaper, they’re not going to buy cigs anymore and less of a chance for them to get lung cancer. That’s less profit for big tobacco, big pharma, and big medical.

  4. Maybe Cuomo is going to join Mr. John Bainor? I ‘m bad with names, but, he was the former speaker of the House of Representatives, I baptized him as , Mr . Dip- path -due dah. I can see the changes in his body, so he’s probably sucking on that pipe hard ha ha ha , and enjoying the outdoor , he looks as red as a cooked shrimp. I always thought he was just a little cooked .

  5. Recreational use in NJ and NY. Governor Wolf in PA moved it forward but the A Hole Republicans have to vote to pass the bill. We are still waiting!!! We have medical marijuana which not everyone can afford including myself and these special doctors are racking in the $250.00 in cash. Doctors affiliated with hospitals can't prescribed it because the money doesn't go to big pharma. The PA Republicans rather pass a bill allowing the purchase of dangerous fireworks that can blow off fingers and burn down houses then something that can save a life.

  6. Vermont legalized recreational marijuana in 2018 but it won't be available for recreational use for another 3 to 4 years. We can still get medicinal marijuana with a medical card but not recreational. Other States have passed laws legalizing recreational use after Vermont and it's available now but not Vermont. Pfffttt…….

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