1. Addendum..also Spiritual assisting here too!! I’m integrating a disconnect between the higher/lower as I’ve been upset about being here in a body cuz from one year old until recently didn’t want to be in body cuz it’s so damn slow to lower vibes!! Ridiculous in retrospect but like you restless/reckless many times as I see what truth is on how it should be here bs how it is. So amazed that inner conflict with and judgements are leaving quickly!

  2. Very cool and totally support you in your commitment and awareness to put so much energy on all levels..earth investment etc..,to educate people what a huge difference what energies are light years different than say eBay Amazon etc!! Really good you spent your precious consciousness on the time to educate the very important differences ⚡️🧚‍♂️💕fyi…do you have a source for a lemurian crystal? It’s been several years since I’ve used much tech except personally necessary for phone/text. It’s beautiful to see how you’re spending your awareness and focus now!! Personal question…I myself have a particular physical manifestation that’s very challenging for reasons you’ve mentioned ie past lives etc and current personal/collective imbalance of male/female balance and emotional blockage that I ignored quite awhile for both altruistic and resistance reasons to healing before it got extreme!! I’ve dealt mostly in extremes for many lifetimes both this planet and very high so to speak levels. Verbose as usual 😂words are soooooo slow! Anyway…I ended up pushing it to the point that my left knee is basically mush and broke my left femur,ball joint, and pelvis and got what I now know what’s a dark targeted to take me out/down orthopedist. I looked like quasi moto as a result and living on oxys for 4 months😱😰now I’ve quickly shifted from the near death experience that resulted to my leg straightening/major pain released by my own spirit/galactic and angelic tribe and detoxing/healing really fast but not yet fully restored to be pain free and mobility restored so I’m upgrading physical help still. Bottom line..what would you advise re your own tools to assist me? I should’ve emailed this message but at that moment I was immediately compelled to connect now in this moment without slowing down I’m sure for both good and potentially harmful interferences. Thanks so much for your patience reading this Mini book😂and hope others aren’t annoyed with taking up so much space here! I feel time is off the essence now due to concerns of interference stopping me from communicating to you. Peace out☮️🙏⚡️🧚‍♂️💕

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