1. this guy kind of doesn't know what he's talking about the various strains that he's talking about get switched around by growers because growers are usually not marking their plants or they can get mixed up and plants look like plants similar ones look similar and it is impossible to tell the difference by the look you can tell the difference by the high but they don't do it that way my advice is when you buy weed you asked for the driest and stickiest dry because you want higher volume sticky because it's higher in THC another thing you can do when you put it in a grinder and grind it open up the grinder and slowly tilt the grinder towards you if the weed quickly slides down it's bunk if the weed rolls over each other cuz it's so sticky as it comes down slowly that is good weed

  2. lol, so this is about quality med weed. and no mention of quality being one that heals the ailment…all about taste and smells and potency, that dont always mean its quality as a med.
    and if you believe the labeling on cannabinoids in the smoke your conned. they usualy always add the thc-a with thc and sell it as the thc content, or some real bad scammers ad all the cannabinoids..thc,cbd and cbn as 1 and sell it as a higher potency/. bet no pot anywhere ha more than 20% true thc, non ive tested come near that yet,…. for those that arent salesmen.
    and names dont man shit. ive had 7 diff strain all called same thing. everyone is renaming shit, claim as their creation and more sales. name dont mean squat anymore
    most dispesnaries will have that shwag you talk about, they do here anyways. commercialy grown crap

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