1. One must consider that Florida would be the first as well as the most southeastern state in the whole country to legalize medical cannabis. Intolerance doesn't get much worse here. Most other states would very likely follow suit given time. 

  2. Heard this Advertisement several times on the radio today. I was in shock, I was excited to hear a pro marijuana ad on the radio. We can do this! Google legalization in fl to find the right petition to get in on the 2014 ballot. Or go to his site

  3. Thank you John Morgan, I know when and where this should go. I have been finding out what the reason is……. Unfortunately, I couldn't find out what this is going on. No army of angels will be signed up so far, I have an account. If you wanna contact me, I'm at shaunbell850@gmail.com.
    Thank you!
    From: shaun bell

  4. UnitedForCare*org …. even if you are not in FL, spread it like 'fire on dry grass' using your social media websites and word of mouth. Hit up all colleges and concerts, spread the word.. we only need around 400,000 more signatures, there's over 150,000 so far in just 2 months! Job creator and state money… its a win/win for society.

  5. It is primarily the pharmaceutical companies. Hemp plant has so many uses, such as rope, fossil fuel, clothing, protein…you can imagine it is a threat to many big industry. That's why the public has been brainwashed and it is up to us to get the truth out. And advocate your local politicians and congress that you want this on the ballot.

  6. Please research this and you will find out it can be taken in various forms ie., tea, tinctures and in food. They have given it to children with seizures in a form where it is pure cannibus but they take out the element that get's you high and I'm sure if it was legal, there would be that available as well as I've heard that from other people. Often it happens with the new powerful grass where if you take several puffs when you only need one or two.

  7. Please share this with all your friends and get them to sign the petition and even small donations make a difference as the big doners are waiting to see if there is grassroots support so it is up to us to get the word out. There is a awesome website that is all about legalizing it and has all the info but I forget the name …do you know it? Would help to post it around to educate people of the many other beneficial properties.

  8. Please share this with all your friends and get them to sign the petition and even small donations make a difference as the big doners are waiting to see if there is grassroots support so it is up to us to get the word out.

  9. I am one of 100 million people suffering with chronic pain and would like the option to try medical marijuana to mange it. It also helps with low back pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic neuromuscular pain and pain from herniated discs and I'm sure much more plus there is anti-viral properties that can't be found in a pill Please take this seriously and share with your friends to get it on the November ballot.

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