MLM HUN GOT ANGRY AT ME FOR CALLING HER OUT! #antimlm #commentary #scamalert

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  1. Sadly, despite seeking help from mental health professionals Im still not on a medication that works well for me. Ive experienced doctors that dont spend enough time with me, or put me on something new even after I've told them what's worked in the past (maybe because they make more from prescribing that medication 🤔 maybe not)
    But none of my negative experiences means I'm giving up on finding the right treatment… I just need to find the right doctor first. My past trauma and PTSD has made me determined to me here for my babies in spite of it. And I am a HUGE advocate for therapy and medication for mental health. THERAPY IS GREAT! MEDS ARE GREAT! THEY BOTH SAVE LIVES!

  2. "taking things out of context" ma'am the context is that you are selling CBD and making false and dangerous claims about its universal efficacy at the expense of people who need medication! Not everyone needs meds to function, but there are enough people on Earth that could benefit from medication, CBD, or BOTH! If you're selling CBD, the context is that it BENEFITS YOUR POCKET to villify or downplay the effects of medication so people buy your overpriced products!

  3. Hi JJ! I wanted to tell you how awesome you are, and how impactful your video about mental health was.
    I’m a 48-year-old woman, and have been on and off antidepressants since I was 18 years old. Back then, I didn’t tell anyone I was taking antidepressants. Now, I openly talk about depression and antidepressants to anyone and everyone, because I don’t want anyone to feel shame for needing help. I share it all, the ugly, the bad, the highs, and the happiness.
    When I’m taking my antidepressant, I’m more “me.” The Me that I know I am, the me that I want to feel like.
    Thank you for being so open and honest. One of my goals is to break the mental health stigmas.

  4. As someone who supports cannabis and cannabis derivatives such as CBD with my whole being these mlm companies make my blood boil please if you are going ro use CBD for and reason go to your local dispensary and speak with a bud tender they will be able to help you

  5. Thank you for being another person normalizing mental health care. One thing I saw on tiktok from a person I follow is "it's OK to not be ok but it's NOT ok to stay that way" as a way of saying "if your mental health isn't doing well, do your best to get help. Even if it's someone trusted you can talk to when you can't afford professionals."

  6. I’ve tried countless medications for my chronic illness and finally after 12 years found the right one to help manage my condition. It saddens me that some people don’t believe in medicine and think it shouldn’t be normalized but medicine truly helps alot of people and sometimes that’s the only route for their issue. This woman’s mindset just doesn’t make sense at all.

  7. If CBD helps someone, great. But I wouldn't tell someone not to take insulin if their pancreas doesn't work properly. My brain needs store bought serotonin to work properly. Normalize it!

  8. I am part of a kidney cancer group and we have people join that group to shill CBD oil as a cure to cancer….it's NOT. Just like it's not going to cure mental illness🙄

  9. Before I had the RIGHT mental health medications – I was like you JulieJo with the crying every day, all day. It was so hard for me to just do okay. I was struggling to just get out of bed because of my chronic pain, and then wasn't getting the right meds. I have used CBD for pain management but not for mental health.

    Normalize taking your meds – normalize the fact that people HAVE to have store-bought happiness. My brain cant transit chemicals on its own.

    "the medication I am taking is helping me heal – like stitches if I had a gash on my chest" such a good phase, I might have mixed up the order.

    You are doing a great job.

  10. I had to sleep on what I wanted to say. The mlm distributor comes across as upset that someome is calling her out her stance when she is trying appease all the customers. She is trying, in my opinion, to target the people who dont want to be on meds for the rest of their lives but she also wants retain a bigger customer base with being like "I never said medication is bad."

    Also love the thumbnail! It is peak adorableness!

  11. I was taken to my doctors by my mum when I was having a breakdown, I was put on medication, it took several medications and several different doses plus therapy then a psychologist for over 2 years, medication is required to allow you to function while you heal . my medication is needed to keep me alive .

  12. Wow how did I know she would have an issue with your video??? All I have to say is she shouldn't have been shaming people for taking medications that are keeping them alive!!! She doesn't know other people's situations!!

  13. I mean sometimes when you don't need the medicine anymore it just means the medicine works. Nobody would say they used antibiotics and because they don't need them anymore they must have never worked.

  14. Without my meds I don't sleep. My mind will go back to my trauma and obsess over it. I play it back over and over. I've tried CBD, meditation, sleep hypnosis and I've done the oils. So let me tell you what works. My Prozac. I'm still working on something for my ADHD..

  15. I will never get the argument that your videos are monetized and somehow that makes you untrustworthy. You are giving your audience information, education and entertainment for free! Adsense sees the value in your audience and pays you for access to us. She is spewing misinformed to try and sell a product to fill her pocket (and her up lines pockets)

  16. She has the audacity to say that your info is incorrect bc your videos are monetized?! Oh the irony of an MLM scam artist, trying to make money off of of a product in a scammy way saying this. They truly have no grip on reality.

  17. I totally agree with the whole mental health topic you mentioned. Last week I found out I have been on the wrong depression medication for years, @ 21 I'm just getting on the right one's. Not to mention, both of my parents JUST started going to therapy at 61 & 59, (which I think should have happened a while ago, but I'm still proud none the less). Mental health is something we need to talk about more, normalize it like you said. Especially with men. It's not a shameful thing at all. The more MLM's target mental health is just terrible. 🤦‍♀

  18. I appreciate you for talking about this. I just got on medication this year when I should have been long ago. But I have a huge fear and anxiety about going to the doctor. It took everything in me to get on meds. And they have changed and most likely saved my life.

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