My Grand Mal Seizure on September 9th, 2022. **Extreme Trigger Warning**

If you’re new, I’m Rachael, Ray, or Ray Ray! I’m documenting my life journey, which currently includes recovering from my …


  1. ā¤ā¤ Rachael My Love, You Are My Ray Of Sunshine. You are so unbelievably strong and brave. You're so beautiful inside and out. I am so sorry that this is happening to you and for the incredible struggles you go through. I feel so honored to be able to be your friend. No matter what happens in life I will always be right by your side. Never Change Ray Ray ā¤ā¤

  2. Ooooh no….everytime I see somebody have to go through these things I instantly start crying. Feel so freakin' helpless. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Big Hugs.

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