1. Hi Scotty! Sorry to hear he is not feeling well. My Coco was going through this as well. We did a treatment of fecal transplant. So basically mixing his brothers healthy poop into the critical care. This totally helped and I feel saved my Coco!
    It is worth the work. Please take care. Feel better furry baby

  2. My 17 year old chinchilla just had a bout of GI stasis. She didn't poop at all for 2 days. X-ray showed a big food ball in her stomach. She was given sub q fluids at the vet but no motility drugs. (Not available in Canada apparently) I took the issue into my own hands at home and gave gas drops, tummy massages, and mineral oil as a laxative. She was actually still eating on her own. Once she had the mineral oil, it all came out as diarrhea for two days. It was awful but she made a full recovery. She was just backed up. I wouldn't recommend the laxative for pigs in this case as their digestion is a bit more delicate but if you stay dedicated and consistent with your treatment then the better chance you will see an improvement. Don't always take advice from your vet. Trust your gut, there is always something more you can do.

  3. Scotty, I'm sorry to hear Dice is not feeling well. I wonder if you can give him some watermelon may give him a watery treat. I hope he feels better soon.

    If you notice at 4:03 to 5:33 Pippi is listening to you, its cute.


  4. My Guinea Pig just turned 3 and he was not eating about 3 weeks ago. I noticed he has also developed impaction which I clean regularly before I give him food. I made lemon water for him and give 6cc of it 2 times a day. With the exception of the impaction he is eating healthy and regaining his healthy weight again.

  5. I recently lost my guinea pig to bloat/GI stasis. Even though I caught it early, did emergency care, and took to an exotic vet, she still passed. People need to understand that GI stasis is serious business and is considered a critical issue. Your videos were extremely helpful in helping me know what to look for, how to provide emergency care at home and on the car ride into the vet. Thank you for everything you do Scotty and I'm happy to hear that Dice is starting to recover!

  6. The most common thing to cause GI Stasis in our piggies has always been antibiotics. We are always very cautious about whether our piggies genuinely need antibiotics in certain situations because of this. They can make piggies feel icky and then they stop eating. This happened most recently with Lily, our rescued mother of 4. She didn't have gut issues prior, and now, though her appetite is fine, she has lingering gut issues that requires daily Simethicone to keep her tummy calmed down. Sherwood Recovery food is a must have and saved her during that initial stasis.

  7. Hi Scotty. We lost a guinea called Nibbles in 2010 through this we had had him 2yrs with his brother Chomper. I may have mentioned this to you before. I feel its necessary to share this with other viewers. Looking back I think Chomper had become more dominant and Nibbles may have been stressed. But, as you say, he sat in the corner with his back to everyone not moving. This was about a day. I took him the vets, gave him critical care. He didn't recover. And Chomper always had tummy issues also. This video is so important because there are a number of extra steps that could have been taken. As in :-
    * Separating the 2, even temporarily.
    * Chomper was probably eating the food and doing all the poops.
    *With the knowledge I have now and more piggies since, I could've been more prompt than I was.
    I hope Dice makes a full recovery and the friendship with Shrimpy Dimpy continues, even just play dates. Your a great Guinea Daddy 👍 YNWA ❣

  8. Many a time that I went to the vet because my piggie had stasis. I couldn't do subcutaneous fluids myself. Critical Care and Baytril have saved many a piggie. I cut the tip off a feeding syringe for pets so that I can get more concentrated Critical Care mixture to them. You gave a great suggestion about mixing Critical Care with their favorite food. Hope all is now well with your piggies.

  9. Glad Mr Dice is on road to recovery.
    I had to seperate my boys, they almost broke out in a tornado yesterday, I got there just in time to prevent injury to anyone. But So dissapointing that it happened as I just gave them a cage upgrade a bit too. Ah well, such is life with boys, especially with only a 20% success rate that any two boys can bond,

  10. That's what had happened to Andre, they gave me some Trimebutine and Metacam for him and within 10 days he was good as new. But had I not started the critical care feedings ahead of time, it would have been too late.

  11. My piggie had ovarian cycts that ruptured and she was in pain and stopped eating. I took her to the vet but obviously it was too late. And btw I didn't know she even had ovarian cycts. RIP Flossie 🥺

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