1. Science and widespread experience have shown marijuana has no significant harms, even for the original consumers. And it's not possible to get a second hand high outside, especially at the beach. What's really harmful is the fumes from people's grills on the beach. At the very least, they should have certain sections of the beach where people can consume marijuana. – After 85 years of unjust persecution, everyone should cut marijuana consumers a ton of slack anyway!

  2. Toxic smoke?!? You don't say squat about all of the cigarette smokers puffing away, but woe be unto anyone exercising their right to spark up a joint and watch the older Gen get all twisted out of shape. Not worried about kids inhaling cigarette smoke, w/ all of the additives and poisons carried by them, no, got to keep those ne'er-do-well hippie pot smokers off the streets, regardless that those "hippies" own businesses and support families, just like you, Mr. Scrawny Cracker. Let me see law enfrcement ticket a cigarette smoker. Make my day! I don't smoke nor condone it, but if you're going to harrass cannabis smokers, keep it equitable and spank those cigarette smokers as well. No one that doesn't smoke wants to smell either one.

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