1. Diet directly affects mental health.
    Focus on eating mainly whole foods and restrict intake of packaged and fast foods. They are nutrient deficient and contain only empty calories.

  2. Pliz dnt impose ur life styl on others. And by the way right now u might b slpng not restng as restng takes 10min n slep takes 6/7 hrs cntinus which makes n regenrates ur bodycell. Try not to slp 5 dys u will be dead automatically.
    Oky baby g

  3. Largely a litany of crap…especially sleep. This guy’s musings on sleep are fundamentally dangerous and deeply irresponsible. He isn’t qualified in any way to give medical or nutritional advice. He is a charlatan who spews out mountains of words but says NOTHING.

  4. Focus on eating mainly whole foods. Whole Grains, Tubers, Legumes, Dark Greens. Restrict the intake of processed foods, deep fried and greasy foods, meats, smoke meat, charred meats, sugars.

  5. Bakar bakar bakar bakar… Oh god save me from the corrupt world of such people who draw the picture of words amd people go ga-ga over it… Come on guys understand…. Pls don't follow blindly every sweet word that is spoken in a high tone modulated with a voice processor and loaded with spritual vocabulary. This is common sense..

  6. This Guru is completely ignorant. He has no idea of the Essence and Energy distinction so he misunderstands what Essence is and goes strait to paganism and natural theology. Anyone reading this, please, research Eastern Orthodoxy.

  7. Wrong, this guy is not God or JESUS people, he is just a man who put on a robe and grew his beard out and thinks now we are supposed to be facinated by him. He thinks We people in the West are stupid. God put garlic here and there have neen clinical studies done my the New England Journal of Medicine which had patients take 1000 mg of garlic a day for 1 year and the results were the plaque in the arteries and blood vessels was gone completely. Dont listen to this Old guy who thinks He is JESUS, He is not!

  8. Sleep 8 hrs a day you invite death 20-30 yrs earlier – this guy is off his meds – actually it's the exact opposite – there are endless benefits to sleeping 7-8 hrs each night – it's literally what your body and mind needs to detox, recuperate, recharge. There's actual scientists that dedicate their life to the science of sleep…but hey what do I know…Do yourselves a favour and stop listening to this nonsense – there's a lot of truth here but also a lot of BS. Study science and research papers from actual scientists and doctors that practice and test these things for the better part of their life…no some Indian guy who pretends to know everything…these are tested and proven facts!
    "Honey is close to the composition of blood, drink it with hot water and it breaks down fat, drink it with cold water it adds weight"…..LOOOOL – GTFO old man

  9. You didn't really tell us anything other than to eat less garlic and to eat more honey… I'd like to hear more on this subject. I will have to do more research it seems. Because I agree in that, I think we as people tend to be attracted to so many foods which are not necessarily great for us, but I also think that it's possible that you do not have all of the scientific data to back what it is "you" think is health or unhealthy. This video and your talk on this subject was very limited and very subjective. For all we know you're endorsed by the honey companies which are in a commercial war with the garlic companies lol… That was a joke… but still… I do not if I should just believe you on these things, because you've only just said things. That's it. And not many things. And there were video clips played showing many things while you only spoke on 2 specific foods… How can I take this seriously? I mean fuck, you showed a bowl of peanuts for like 1-2 minutes of the video and did not bother to comment on that food specifically at all… So yeah… Kinda calling bullshit on this…

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