1. Damn you run a multimillion dollar company too? Yea me too. I’ve been running mine for about eleventeen years. It’s going good. Just got me a a Ferrari testerosa. I did a 3 way last weekend with 2 Puerto Rican guys. I guess you could say me & you are the same. Deuces my Eskimo brother

  2. Let me know how those work. I try to balance a lot of things between work, friends, hobbies, and family. By the end of the day, I’m wiped physically, but mentally ill. It would be nice to take the edge off without drinking

  3. Can I ask what type of businesses your into? I’m looking for a side hustle myself. Don’t mind putting the work in. Want some extra cash on the side to secure a better future for my family.

  4. I'll give you the right training to get your 8 hours every night …. works for me … was taught to me by AADAC (Alberta Alcohol Drug Abuse Council) …. 17 years ago I was an addict of 27 years … now 17 years zero drugs

  5. Damn ill work for you .but Please make a Smurfett
    1.5 oz blanco tequila

    1 oz Blue Curaçao

    1 oz Fresh Pineapple Juice

    .5 oz Lime juice
    Tropical Punch Pop Rocks

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