you think is anagixineity attack or drugs sdins is f a mental health te worker or metnal cop BATMAN more acuraetly yougner elaeirtf vcin LIKe child your young now mother father younger old, gun that does nto fit in a child hand let see child cop that does not work either, let se e child sex, not catwomaon penguine child joke dirty food, neglect the opposite t w two face, oyung vagina thatsound worse no let see gun dick palic, batman the intellegent violent mind or a sports athilet or cop, f a father figure KO JOKE egghead smart ideas JERY springer moments, and crack or apogies do nto get fuel returndand are buss as religouns are elived uless you realy killl your self and cmome bakc from the dead the only esxceptian but it has not happened exceptJACK on fi recoredeef ereaitosnf, or riddler and pot that made NO sense, if not adminte ot a ao or avoido a metnal station deper ion your miond not elaier in life drugs sesx posslible to obtsioan a stations to syphon fuel from your whole population to put a mental camera black nbo mental patter nc room with social insuracnce numbers and matale status, ect, ,not secuuxual interst that are not intersts tob avioidnce n even if not reald kor apolpigeis ios f s surcumbing to fuel losee loss offernignsd and submisive abuse opression inn thought or to accpet to blijnmdily snd and tstill woudl have to follow the berian washed natnionalnity and that is KANADIAN content they their mean to insiminate LIKE a virus thse bs KANADIna content NATIonality away to hold a station that control reality then they tried to make the world out the same f way and suck in this white i from other nation with prgnmatic with their global bullachi three r and muti cuulrtal equality not if youur all obnipotent and not to another infierlirity that the por prolem right now iwth KANDa and nthe world but that aside all they want is fuel, and to scvvisnfdsccept to a brainwashing realitty or not ifi mastfn natned ltislas simpeo n in the USA WHile NO nudes illeagl n but not in KANADa would make you your KNAIDna all e pedafile lnot I you see I am FROM POLAND and they di not HAVe such shcit onlione thathe reason I reaporeted it to FBI rfirst the n advice RCCMP to protect make a unversal enducation system, and protenctn thenm n that wa with shelter form evei men and womaon, nto try to use child as fish bate, that jsut the govenment tryign to use this advnaced technology to brianwahsnf schild port n to aging youth that almost normal at the age of 15 but stil lillegal black and whitre nor does he sos wtf that way tfdmasterbate ichcpor orn or not no nude that il lis llegal in I didn ot dsee anything becpouse pLISCE trace the call if you ca contact web sight then they same technolgy tenhthen your a of a virus that cvc je kept changeing it to a child porn but nothing illegal and froze it I was just browsing and six month perido ( NOW) you sese that tangetnt that anotoehr coped out batman ideas screwing me behidnd a fire was and another popintless tnagent then my ojwn mind, to ceraete another type of fire wall i at 15 I was dateing beforeyou were even cop , their no popint thase s poeple will jsut push me around so t do thrue twith this world and coutnry you want to brianawahs your poeple like this becouse of the CISIS act tehn that fine control my mother some omoere do ti I will just jump of af a bride and KANDAIn will have murdered her two sons and her husban, so I do not care they made him to go to Serbia after a heart sud Surgury, to beg me to come abclk ck only to me forced into hospital not to love me theose he did PIcasso love me more gretely a lot, the same he was j kind and genrous, but never mind, Pocasso ifs and he would be my fahter and this als strarted with I CANNOT WORK on him then do not, f call the cops fyour father and while singing all of a sudden every 15 min, a bartamn IDEA, and my father did not sound like that not he had implants and I a aritsmsitci menal retarded, and adhd and copy people excasctly ever sicne I was ligleeboy gilr a chidl ht litelde leviletgd chioe skip it chidl lslfcicl wtf dji oyu and your people and mental not hte real POLICE do n to me, after rfrdcxcdfddddftwo years in KANDa this, a socailowrker you do nto know and then she come out of retirmetn to audit me then these grey deteicitve CSIS cars, and all this brainwshing, you and your poeple brainwshed aeveryone body like this I goiggn to churtch twice a day every morning and then everytime I even think mental healthm or anything andything stupdiiouly i idiotic kNAIDNAs a or anynthing beside my book I simply kill myslef and come back gf from the dead, and my mirciels mamkeing got better and more dirrect and accurate, and nhen t yy ourthoacislaworker and everything while my mother was suppoed never not even to eat take drugsmedicaiton with food but then does nto eat ever before comunion skipecd out to go to the marked ranvile for home economic for gaslight mental y ill but no that are not cost ing 25 million dollarsd a years never mind, this govenrment is a ephoing JOke a nightmare this whole country is sicko becouyond belife my whole fmaily lis moving to USA now , I woudl advice everyone else the same maybe dtheir shtey can unberainwash you likethey did me in Los Vegus and threw out tfall thsoe mental helath workers but nwtf I got back I saw you granmaomther still brainwahsed by them retdiy to latcsh their parsitdic ideas to use and come thoute the windowow,they in hotel casuiono thehyo pghhcuotic a laittel but s till jsut tossed it out and I went to churth ch their pated for hte vetrans and so forth hgell rel real faste to o they did not mind and new forrest jumps shoes of pill b much the same but KANDIan hold him back like everyoen else that capital of mediacaortdyr our KADian had to ask jsut then ieven if thare anre fnodn aldlnonerfpeorlpfgkill myse kil the fggenocideal,dyou all pigschiot your KANAIDna sour die d bjurn in in hellrealds ddddddddddododc uNDER PUTINFi s going to war and as is CHina they nknwo of the tehcnolgy I speak of, they ahve experts to IN PYscics and of others, famctulsits subjectsm, I went to NAvada jsut to make it rain and while I was their I my mind paray to go to schurtch I held a bottle of water in my hand and refuese to ddrink irti walking in cirlces around the churttch and then until lit would induce reain clouds started to form in fact since I left take of a tried to started a tereade wind to open the sky visablility and to save 15 min of time pushing the plane I tied it to beta sound at 14 htz, and humed a until my entire crenaium vibrated, at the that frequencies, I was jsut galighted to think tno take anti pghhucyioditc that only lhelp h chemicly loboadamize I went to a real doctor in SERBIA and was not shcioizoid, you and oyur and that man in tnhe park was not sochoiphrenic I ikill ed myslef to leglaise pot he was their smolkeing grass not carayz but got his stroy backward and stike me t and I did not stike back yet, nto shcofipfrdor antytihng he told to my b m buy by mental like the wall I just yell kimpisuse and thely try to instruct the d midn ntnostrie andct vmvi they jsut attacked me so please tTUDor Sui s SUE all those metnal health teams minmister y of mental helath KIF TI st the worst KILL KILLL with kindnesd I Was jsuot otld to staight kil in couo counrty
your just the same a mfiea all conected to CC and eat HASTING the Indeians and eaveronyone else donq their no wonder I starteign to see the real wporld I think I almost figured it out your an Irish mafeaia and Indian Mafiea, you worked dowtwon coveringmetch usser with on g rass on grass and other du drgugs their are police monitordamage reduction projects, b with narks bu but the that aside, no wonder that womd the cmaerasi n the gym stoped working and then these two poeple in black kin the same black after I killed myslef and came back from teh dead, then I lost over 100 lb in one night, killign ymself and comeign back from the dead I do not hurt poeple not nwith ideas or of lust covet or obsetioan d I do not think masterbate like this not until thaose metnla health teams did something to me to work in their mental health rooms so I killed myslef I took a criminal law course and was going to be a polcie officer a 200 lb bodybuilder nad I get paid to exercise I spend five y o hoursi n the gym, these two poeple walked in I thought they saved my life the they did not weant to be phorto or recordewd on camera and can s also control reality and made those comeras breakdown metnal can do this I speciulate they saved my life and are obnipotent to or perhaps in soul trade or cocaine, they were both dress t in black the same black and trench coats as this woman Megan she tsl talked abosut the d devil and being Satan and aslso her real birth parents are aline Kodak bottles, t she made them from, the man and womaon the her parent form another planet wer both wearing wigs of or had their hair di dye in the same exact color as she had orange and nthen his eye and nose her mothers were the samae figure and grey not blue not balck or white grey, the same nose, as she had, and nshe to worked on Hastings, right and by coincedencse I was not stalking her, I killed myslef and came back fro mthe deadto and leaglised cannibis to set mixed assiatniosn to break the mental govenment bmenet brainwashing for this analsysing advanced comeuncations a fake kind of telepathyv, becvosue never mind, it caused iug ncompusive si distorder nad that poeple think nsi politenes to harvest and gather fuel this white, the this fuel this white make miricles and controls realit y it is simply time, like they saem time is money, durgs sitmualtns o death brith life hard work buidl it, data not by expernicens but expernicne make white with it obnipotencne and imortality you could simply jsut imaignine and be on a vactiso ntrip instead and experince it the expeices would be the same and if telatphyicgynrealtigo the nm everyone everybodies expence bbut not mind since I do not hurt poeple think abonormal esecual thought of pervese nor t do I never hurt t ( that owuld contciudute as aexmaple as hurtign some ont in thoguoht telapthic l os I would not masterbate Lisa SImpson, you bothering me to think in BATMAN algrythims , food sex dirty clean freand JOKER lauph mother Father BIG DADY aka kicjass police officer, and then fdrugs egghead riddle pot and crack the same metnal jintervalse that the metnal health and police NOT THE REAL POLICEO N GROUND but their midn eye carries these aphdamine partterns form the tv show in timeing in their head then to make matters worse the y triedto impove it and conver ed it up or revel it the same oyu have to make new code pot could do that < it would simpyl mean that poeple make mor e miricles will ntoice the stimuli provide by cannibis a can help like death birth and labor hard day wok make, this fuel white sex can doe co this to, antything that run time energy bioelectricly thought your mental circuts, one elvcetron forwared is time forwrd even bakc fward is tstill forawards, unless someoner else fi is holdign ujtil is not wtf is wrong you judst tried to play me othe way I am typeoing, LISA simspons if younger and I do not master bate these peopel treyto hodl fuel and mental tjime back themm mental isnuslt you with those mental patterns and yo tsome thing you d do not do but y our would l have to think iot with impuses that push oyur mind out not drugs that not due to drugs that due to bullies big sedufuckign KANDIAN bullies, your poeple are hoover sucks bullies as tryt ot hodl in thoot htose as sfuel storse twith fictous realiriesties tasome t would jthink as aneizxieties or other wise durg effect that are not wtf are tou doing over ther e that not th my rom that is the outdoor LOL ,stupdisoudly idotic mental helaht, health so after we move eback to Vancouver you see tet hey are trying to round me up hear ng be fstupdi f vnmother odjfids i brainwshed m so wtf y sddo you think I goign to do sotupid osgli lildoit KANDINs your goisngto move the to the USA, not to VANCOUVER, but in any case is the, cabin in POINT RObert ready I need POlish passport nad non the that t day go to USA, so your asll fuckced in mentalt health, you goign to sit here fliek raven osnfg oand go into ciricles, you see this tanmgent after metnaion ing this womaonand her mafiea parent out of NEW YORK posslibsy a WELsh Mafiea, omn one side IRish and India and the other Welsh, r VUckasha
Thanks for mentioning the small folks. In USA businesses that fall under the department of agriculture don't have to pay workers minimum wage. Big commercial farmers made their budgets fat. For themselves
My fav weed treat would be choc brownie ,with mushrooms ,and thc. While sipping coke tea. Maybe a twist of lime there Lions mane omelettes with goat cheese today. Hemp seeds hulled. Why not.
Maybe a hemp museum. Leanard peltier has bean written on more water towers than Clapton is god. Leanard would not get knighted by no queen ,let me tell you that
Here's what I got. If anyone had a problem with racism ,religeon etc. Jon Cambell had a great show on the topic of data. Well covid data seems to have rounded up that if you ain't from deep dark africa ,you are neandathral ,even our natives ,indians Eskimos ,viking ,Jews for that matter ,mixed with neandathrals ,we all ran welcome world. The most invasive species might be us! Lol
From SF Bay area goodmorning and HEMP HEMP HURRAY. Any updates on Rick Simpson ? How about the prince of pot at cannibis culture mark emery for president of the USA. We can only dream. Put away the cocaine powder and the booze world. We need the cocaine plant for the tea leaves. Let's have a real tea Long die Monsanto. They even have gmo cocaine bushes. Yes. Monsanto and merk stay on top of their bullshit. Lets help south America reforest
How is making property owners the arbiters of who can grow 6 plants reasonable? Can they prevent people from brewing beer and wine? They don't stop people from cooking onions and garlic so why should the smell of 6 plants concern them, if that's their premise? Cooking onions in a multi-unit building really should be illegal though.
Show some Love and Smash, Spank or Tickle that LIKE BUTTON and SUBSCRIBE! Remember to hit the BELL to be notified when they go LIVE!
I trying to write a story
you think is anagixineity attack or drugs sdins is f a mental health te worker or metnal cop BATMAN more acuraetly yougner elaeirtf vcin LIKe child your young now mother father younger old, gun that does nto fit in a child hand let see child cop that does not work either, let se e child sex, not catwomaon penguine child joke dirty food, neglect the opposite t w two face, oyung vagina thatsound worse no let see gun dick palic, batman the intellegent violent mind or a sports athilet or cop, f a father figure KO JOKE egghead smart ideas JERY springer moments, and crack or apogies do nto get fuel returndand are buss as religouns are elived uless you realy killl your self and cmome bakc from the dead the only esxceptian but it has not happened exceptJACK on fi recoredeef ereaitosnf, or riddler and pot that made NO sense, if not adminte ot a ao or avoido a metnal station deper ion your miond not elaier in life drugs sesx posslible to obtsioan a stations to syphon fuel from your whole population to put a mental camera black nbo mental patter nc room with social insuracnce numbers and matale status, ect, ,not secuuxual interst that are not intersts tob avioidnce n even if not reald kor apolpigeis ios f s surcumbing to fuel losee loss offernignsd and submisive abuse opression inn thought or to accpet to blijnmdily snd and tstill woudl have to follow the berian washed natnionalnity and that is KANADIAN content they their mean to insiminate LIKE a virus thse bs KANADIna content NATIonality away to hold a station that control reality then they tried to make the world out the same f way and suck in this white i from other nation with prgnmatic with their global bullachi three r and muti cuulrtal equality not if youur all obnipotent and not to another infierlirity that the por prolem right now iwth KANDa and nthe world but that aside all they want is fuel, and to scvvisnfdsccept to a brainwashing realitty or not ifi mastfn natned ltislas simpeo n in the USA WHile NO nudes illeagl n but not in KANADa would make you your KNAIDna all e pedafile lnot I you see I am FROM POLAND and they di not HAVe such shcit onlione thathe reason I reaporeted it to FBI rfirst the n advice RCCMP to protect make a unversal enducation system, and protenctn thenm n that wa with shelter form evei men and womaon, nto try to use child as fish bate, that jsut the govenment tryign to use this advnaced technology to brianwahsnf schild port n to aging youth that almost normal at the age of 15 but stil lillegal black and whitre nor does he sos wtf that way tfdmasterbate ichcpor orn or not no nude that il lis llegal in I didn ot dsee anything becpouse pLISCE trace the call if you ca contact web sight then they same technolgy tenhthen your a of a virus that cvc je kept changeing it to a child porn but nothing illegal and froze it I was just browsing and six month perido ( NOW) you sese that tangetnt that anotoehr coped out batman ideas screwing me behidnd a fire was and another popintless tnagent then my ojwn mind, to ceraete another type of fire wall i at 15 I was dateing beforeyou were even cop , their no popint thase s poeple will jsut push me around so t do thrue twith this world and coutnry you want to brianawahs your poeple like this becouse of the CISIS act tehn that fine control my mother some omoere do ti I will just jump of af a bride and KANDAIn will have murdered her two sons and her husban, so I do not care they made him to go to Serbia after a heart sud Surgury, to beg me to come abclk ck only to me forced into hospital not to love me theose he did PIcasso love me more gretely a lot, the same he was j kind and genrous, but never mind, Pocasso ifs and he would be my fahter and this als strarted with I CANNOT WORK on him then do not, f call the cops fyour father and while singing all of a sudden every 15 min, a bartamn IDEA, and my father did not sound like that not he had implants and I a aritsmsitci menal retarded, and adhd and copy people excasctly ever sicne I was ligleeboy gilr a chidl ht litelde leviletgd chioe skip it chidl lslfcicl wtf dji oyu and your people and mental not hte real POLICE do n to me, after rfrdcxcdfddddftwo years in KANDa this, a socailowrker you do nto know and then she come out of retirmetn to audit me then these grey deteicitve CSIS cars, and all this brainwshing, you and your poeple brainwshed aeveryone body like this I goiggn to churtch twice a day every morning and then everytime I even think mental healthm or anything andything stupdiiouly i idiotic kNAIDNAs a or anynthing beside my book I simply kill myslef and come back gf from the dead, and my mirciels mamkeing got better and more dirrect and accurate, and nhen t yy ourthoacislaworker and everything while my mother was suppoed never not even to eat take drugsmedicaiton with food but then does nto eat ever before comunion skipecd out to go to the marked ranvile for home economic for gaslight mental y ill but no that are not cost ing 25 million dollarsd a years never mind, this govenrment is a ephoing JOke a nightmare this whole country is sicko becouyond belife my whole fmaily lis moving to USA now , I woudl advice everyone else the same maybe dtheir shtey can unberainwash you likethey did me in Los Vegus and threw out tfall thsoe mental helath workers but nwtf I got back I saw you granmaomther still brainwahsed by them retdiy to latcsh their parsitdic ideas to use and come thoute the windowow,they in hotel casuiono thehyo pghhcuotic a laittel but s till jsut tossed it out and I went to churth ch their pated for hte vetrans and so forth hgell rel real faste to o they did not mind and new forrest jumps shoes of pill b much the same but KANDIan hold him back like everyoen else that capital of mediacaortdyr our KADian had to ask jsut then ieven if thare anre fnodn aldlnonerfpeorlpfgkill myse kil the fggenocideal,dyou all pigschiot your KANAIDna sour die d bjurn in in hellrealds ddddddddddododc uNDER PUTINFi s going to war and as is CHina they nknwo of the tehcnolgy I speak of, they ahve experts to IN PYscics and of others, famctulsits subjectsm, I went to NAvada jsut to make it rain and while I was their I my mind paray to go to schurtch I held a bottle of water in my hand and refuese to ddrink irti walking in cirlces around the churttch and then until lit would induce reain clouds started to form in fact since I left take of a tried to started a tereade wind to open the sky visablility and to save 15 min of time pushing the plane I tied it to beta sound at 14 htz, and humed a until my entire crenaium vibrated, at the that frequencies, I was jsut galighted to think tno take anti pghhucyioditc that only lhelp h chemicly loboadamize I went to a real doctor in SERBIA and was not shcioizoid, you and oyur and that man in tnhe park was not sochoiphrenic I ikill ed myslef to leglaise pot he was their smolkeing grass not carayz but got his stroy backward and stike me t and I did not stike back yet, nto shcofipfrdor antytihng he told to my b m buy by mental like the wall I just yell kimpisuse and thely try to instruct the d midn ntnostrie andct vmvi they jsut attacked me so please tTUDor Sui s SUE all those metnal health teams minmister y of mental helath KIF TI st the worst KILL KILLL with kindnesd I Was jsuot otld to staight kil in couo counrty
your just the same a mfiea all conected to CC and eat HASTING the Indeians and eaveronyone else donq their no wonder I starteign to see the real wporld I think I almost figured it out your an Irish mafeaia and Indian Mafiea, you worked dowtwon coveringmetch usser with on g rass on grass and other du drgugs their are police monitordamage reduction projects, b with narks bu but the that aside, no wonder that womd the cmaerasi n the gym stoped working and then these two poeple in black kin the same black after I killed myslef and came back from teh dead, then I lost over 100 lb in one night, killign ymself and comeign back from the dead I do not hurt poeple not nwith ideas or of lust covet or obsetioan d I do not think masterbate like this not until thaose metnla health teams did something to me to work in their mental health rooms so I killed myslef I took a criminal law course and was going to be a polcie officer a 200 lb bodybuilder nad I get paid to exercise I spend five y o hoursi n the gym, these two poeple walked in I thought they saved my life the they did not weant to be phorto or recordewd on camera and can s also control reality and made those comeras breakdown metnal can do this I speciulate they saved my life and are obnipotent to or perhaps in soul trade or cocaine, they were both dress t in black the same black and trench coats as this woman Megan she tsl talked abosut the d devil and being Satan and aslso her real birth parents are aline Kodak bottles, t she made them from, the man and womaon the her parent form another planet wer both wearing wigs of or had their hair di dye in the same exact color as she had orange and nthen his eye and nose her mothers were the samae figure and grey not blue not balck or white grey, the same nose, as she had, and nshe to worked on Hastings, right and by coincedencse I was not stalking her, I killed myslef and came back fro mthe deadto and leaglised cannibis to set mixed assiatniosn to break the mental govenment bmenet brainwashing for this analsysing advanced comeuncations a fake kind of telepathyv, becvosue never mind, it caused iug ncompusive si distorder nad that poeple think nsi politenes to harvest and gather fuel this white, the this fuel this white make miricles and controls realit y it is simply time, like they saem time is money, durgs sitmualtns o death brith life hard work buidl it, data not by expernicens but expernicne make white with it obnipotencne and imortality you could simply jsut imaignine and be on a vactiso ntrip instead and experince it the expeices would be the same and if telatphyicgynrealtigo the nm everyone everybodies expence bbut not mind since I do not hurt poeple think abonormal esecual thought of pervese nor t do I never hurt t ( that owuld contciudute as aexmaple as hurtign some ont in thoguoht telapthic l os I would not masterbate Lisa SImpson, you bothering me to think in BATMAN algrythims , food sex dirty clean freand JOKER lauph mother Father BIG DADY aka kicjass police officer, and then fdrugs egghead riddle pot and crack the same metnal jintervalse that the metnal health and police NOT THE REAL POLICEO N GROUND but their midn eye carries these aphdamine partterns form the tv show in timeing in their head then to make matters worse the y triedto impove it and conver ed it up or revel it the same oyu have to make new code pot could do that < it would simpyl mean that poeple make mor e miricles will ntoice the stimuli provide by cannibis a can help like death birth and labor hard day wok make, this fuel white sex can doe co this to, antything that run time energy bioelectricly thought your mental circuts, one elvcetron forwared is time forwrd even bakc fward is tstill forawards, unless someoner else fi is holdign ujtil is not wtf is wrong you judst tried to play me othe way I am typeoing, LISA simspons if younger and I do not master bate these peopel treyto hodl fuel and mental tjime back themm mental isnuslt you with those mental patterns and yo tsome thing you d do not do but y our would l have to think iot with impuses that push oyur mind out not drugs that not due to drugs that due to bullies big sedufuckign KANDIAN bullies, your poeple are hoover sucks bullies as tryt ot hodl in thoot htose as sfuel storse twith fictous realiriesties tasome t would jthink as aneizxieties or other wise durg effect that are not wtf are tou doing over ther e that not th my rom that is the outdoor LOL ,stupdisoudly idotic mental helaht, health so after we move eback to Vancouver you see tet hey are trying to round me up hear ng be fstupdi f vnmother odjfids i brainwshed m so wtf y sddo you think I goign to do sotupid osgli lildoit KANDINs your goisngto move the to the USA, not to VANCOUVER, but in any case is the, cabin in POINT RObert ready I need POlish passport nad non the that t day go to USA, so your asll fuckced in mentalt health, you goign to sit here fliek raven osnfg oand go into ciricles, you see this tanmgent after metnaion ing this womaonand her mafiea parent out of NEW YORK posslibsy a WELsh Mafiea, omn one side IRish and India and the other Welsh, r VUckasha
lol…remanded again WTF waste of tax payers money…Ty Neil & all that help c.s.p…Ty…p.p.p…@#peace : )~***
Wish you the best Neil! you got my prayers and my vote
Thanks for mentioning the small folks. In USA businesses that fall under the department of agriculture don't have to pay workers minimum wage. Big commercial farmers made their budgets fat. For themselves
YouTube has had a kombucha mushroom tea recipe somewhere. Yes. Blue kombucha you alcohol drinkers just let it ferment. Lol
Can we get untoasted hemp seeds yet? Hemp sprouts sure would be nice.
My fav weed treat would be choc brownie ,with mushrooms ,and thc. While sipping coke tea. Maybe a twist of lime there Lions mane omelettes with goat cheese today. Hemp seeds hulled. Why not.
Maybe a hemp museum. Leanard peltier has bean written on more water towers than Clapton is god. Leanard would not get knighted by no queen ,let me tell you that
Now was your mom cheating with a neandathral.or your dad. Lol
Here's what I got. If anyone had a problem with racism ,religeon etc. Jon Cambell had a great show on the topic of data. Well covid data seems to have rounded up that if you ain't from deep dark africa ,you are neandathral ,even our natives ,indians Eskimos ,viking ,Jews for that matter ,mixed with neandathrals ,we all ran welcome world. The most invasive species might be us! Lol
From SF Bay area goodmorning and HEMP HEMP HURRAY. Any updates on Rick Simpson ? How about the prince of pot at cannibis culture mark emery for president of the USA. We can only dream. Put away the cocaine powder and the booze world. We need the cocaine plant for the tea leaves. Let's have a real tea Long die Monsanto. They even have gmo cocaine bushes. Yes. Monsanto and merk stay on top of their bullshit. Lets help south America reforest
Thanks for mentioning the ERD radiation and pesticides. I have had trouble with my teeth hurting after smoking certain erbs and now i know why
THC = Truth Hope Change
How is making property owners the arbiters of who can grow 6 plants reasonable? Can they prevent people from brewing beer and wine? They don't stop people from cooking onions and garlic so why should the smell of 6 plants concern them, if that's their premise? Cooking onions in a multi-unit building really should be illegal though.
pot ash lol Glen…Dirty Dave wins 1place Mac & 3 place for slurricane…a Great karma Cup…
Preach it brother. Keep on speaking the truth, no matter who doesn't like!!! You go elder brother!!!!
Up with Freedom!!!! Down with Tyranny!!!!!! Foxtrot Uniform Charlie any Prohibition of any kind whatsoever, and the same goes for "Gun Control".
peace with Pot !