Using CBD Oil For Autism | Dosage, Side Effects & Is it Working?

Christian has been taking cbd oil for a few months now. I’m this video I talk about any changes I saw and if there were any side …


  1. We had a similar experience with CBD…diarreah and increased behaviors…or at least not better behaviors. We gave up after 4 days….I didn't realize there is an adjustment period, so we may try this again. Thanks for sharing, this was particularly helpful for us.

  2. We're exhausting all natural routes before we try prescriptions for our son. He's on a special supplement, Omega 3 oil, folinic acid, and N-Acetyl Cysteine. I'll definitely look into this! I'm late diagnosed autistic and my medical card has been very helpful. I used to be on prescriptions for anxiety and it made me feel numb. Thanks for sharing your experiences!!

  3. i tried it when my kid was younger he is now 10, it would help him a little but then we stopped, what has really helped him a lot in his stimming, hyperactivity and behavior is fish oil, i get it from amazon, magnesium for kids and he is on low medication called abilify, it helped a lot with his irratibility and meltdown his behavior, i tried other medication and it was really bad but the only side effect that we have is weight gain, but it has helped a lot, he is on a low dose, also i give him probiotic called bioguia it helps trmendously with his behavior, if your interested in looking into this.. blessing to uour family

  4. I used CBD oil for my 5 year old
    For about 7 days and I noticed that the 1st 2 nights he slept so well but after the 2 days he started sleeping really poorly. He would wake
    Up at 3am and not sleep again. We quit.

  5. I’m not sure how I feel about CBD some parents swear it made their kids go from non verbal to verbal and others say it did nothing. I’m going to keep doing research on it, for me to use it on my daughter it would have to produce very drastic results

  6. This is great news I will not hesitate for a second if my son would benefit from this.. I myself use cbd and believe it has healing properties for my body I had no idea of the psychoactive properties it could also have!! Way to keep trying!! Also on a personal note my son still isn’t talking yet but just pulled his picture card to use the potty and that’s amazing for us!!! We will continue to do whatever we need to help our son.. anywayz thanks for all this

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