1. Mark, you know I have spent three decades testifying as a court expert against pharmaceutical companies & their products. People have good reason to not trust Pharma as they hsve long been the 3rd leading cause of death in America & if they could hear what I hear in court they would NEVER EVER trust them again! They are very much into censorship. They use gag orders to censor victims families. Del Shannon's widow is a close friend but still afraid to talk about Prozac killing Del over 30 years after his death. 😢 Or they pull their advertising to get rid of a show that reveals too much truth about their products. They were really mad at me for helping in comedian Phil Hartman & his wife's murder/suicide & getting their story on Dateline.

    But the simple common sense reason people should not trust Pharma is…If the FDA regulates a product it would need to be toxic (poisonous). That is supposedly what the FDA regulates – toxic substances. Most of us understand that poison if taken by someone who is healthy it is going to make them sick, so how did they ever talk us into believing that taking poison is going to make someone who is sick, well again?!?!!!

  2. I’ve been noticing the increase of the thumbs up ! Congratulations Mark and your team tgat guves us the updates and important news we need to hear! Listen to this man he knows his stuff!

  3. "cancers" thrive off of processed sugars. if you have to use sugar in a recipe, use pure cane sugars. Pure cane sugars don't have the same effects as the processed sugars.

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  5. AKA Gwennie. I'm a retired Registered Nurse, Oncology Certified, and a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. I am an antivaxer as well. I tried to warn everyone I came in touch. People still believe it is a vaccine but it's not. It is experimental designed to take out your immunity the body makes naturally. I don't do vaccines period.

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