What Chemotherapy Really Does To Your Immune System

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center recommends several ways to protect your immune system while receiving chemotherapy. Big ways to boost immunity include prioritizing good quality sleep, drinking plenty of water, and moving your body with low-impact routines like walking or yoga.

Eating a variety of healthy whole foods, including fruits, veggies, and protein, can help keep your immune system balanced and strong. Ask your doctor if you could use a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D is critical to bone health and supports disease-fighting T-cells and macrophages, but many people don’t get enough from food.

If patients experience chemo symptoms, cannabinoids (CBD) could help. A 2021 study in Biomolecules found that non-psychoactive CBD can help relieve chemotherapy’s toxic side effects. The study also found that CBD helps patients heal more quickly after surgery and can even help reverse chemoresistant cancers. CBD is legal and available over the counter everywhere.

It’s important to remember chemotherapy is an aggressive treatment that can be fatal and is not a one-size-fits-all solution (via Telegraph). Care should be taken when deciding whether chemotherapy poses more of a benefit or risk to any individual. “I think it’s important to make patients aware that there are potentially life-threatening downsides to chemotherapy,” Professor David Dodwell of the Institute of Oncology at St James Hospital told the Telegraph. “And doctors should be more careful about who they treat with chemotherapy.”

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