What do Thai people think about 'The Green' in Thailand | Ask The Thais (Pt. 1)

Ask the Thai’s is back! This is a show where we ask our thai friends their opinions and thoughts regarding the culture difference …


  1. I like the fact that they made it legal. But they should have thought out all the factors before implementing the law. Try not to have any misleading questions or loopholes for people to exploit. And by all means a modest tax to help revitalize the economy.

  2. There's the dangerous pull it helps with this and that .
    But on the other side of the coin I would probably use it if I had parkinsons disease if I was going out to stop the shakes but never for something I can control by other means

  3. Why are you only asking young people ? You should ask some OLD people. You know, those of us that really do use it as medicine. It needs to be used in arthritis hand cream, but I don't think ANY infused product is allowed.

  4. Why would anyone want less freedoms and more govt regulations? Why would anyone trust the govt to have their best interests in mind? Govt wants power/control or moneyā€¦.usually both. If our rights/freedoms get in the way, what do we think the priority is? Takes time for people to get educated and normies to accept new things that may seem scary at first. Itā€™s rarely a smooth transition.

  5. I also think that C as a lot of experience property's from medical medicine, clothing to building Brock for housing, maybe even for takeaway food containers and the knife fork and spoon , coffee cups the list Go on and on for the green.Decriminalising is a great move forward for us All

  6. Hey! Timeline7:20. Is that intended to look like the Canadian Flag?! We have had legalized MJ for awhile now. I see closet smokers coming out, People who were rule based trying it for the first time, and the regulars flaunting it. The only good regulations are quality, lack of tampering, and the display of strain and mg amount of either THC or CBD. That way you can figure out your number as far as the amount consumed comfortably. Everything else is dealing with the stigma of it for so may years.

  7. I really liked the old format with at least a little Thai news. Being In Hawaii, it was something to look forward to seeing everyday at 5:00 P.M.. Yeah, 99% of the time it was late, but in few minutes it would come on.
    No offense to Jay, but when the show was Tim, Natty and Jay, at least they did a little Thai news, and 5 days a week, it. would be there.
    This new format has no format at all. Itā€™s just a bunch of shorts, at all hours of the day.
    OK, I know Timā€™s not coming back, but Jay and Natty are plenty capable, of doing a show similar to Good Morning Thailand , with a little news, but most of all, with shows with a constant time slot, like daily at a certain time.
    I know your trying to spice up the old Thaiger,, but some of your viewers, want something thatā€™s consistent . Sluggo

  8. i have a farm in the north in the mountains..is it legal for me to grow the Green in my fields??
    i have grown before and rather than use for personal use i grow it and feed it to my pigs. it makes very good pig food….so what i am doing is it LEGAL OR NOT.

  9. I like this – please do this more often – with more and varied subjects šŸ˜
    *Are Thais annoyed by tourists – or expats especially – who make no effort to learn even basic Thai?
    * Does the behavior of individual tourists cause Thais to generally like/dislike a certain country's citizens visiting Thailand more than others šŸ¤”?
    * Do Thais still expect a dowry exchange (this subject may have been discussed to death, I am afraid..) ?
    * .. and finally, which pet do Thai prefer most? Cats or Cats? šŸ˜ø or šŸˆ

  10. The guest was sing the initials MJ. And in my opinion, better than "the green" or "green leaf". Not only is that safe, but it is also shorter to say and probably closer to what you are trying to refer to.

  11. It's so funny in reality, last year Thailand made "Krathom" legal again in real Krathom in big doses are way more dangerous then cannabis, the addiction much stronger… Thailand also has a huge problem with alcohol, together with phillipines. All this scare propaganda I guess takes time to leave behind, the world Gabe been brainwashed by a racist US FBI idea for more then half a Century. Cannabis is way less intressting for most thai's then the dangerous alcohol. This is a medicine way more then for eg. Alcohol could ever Be, alcohol the only medicinal benefits, kill virus/bacteria, and reverse methanol intoxication, at tjat has been legal? Murder, rape, aggression, livet cancer, bran damage incl. Dementhia, kidney falurie, psychosis, epilepsy, worlds most Dangerous rehabilitering drug, yes that's all ALCOHOL. And people be like scared of a drug, that cannot literally cannot be overdosed, to death.
    Just a risk for young people sensitive to serious psychological illness. That all been proven on the green… Please folks!

  12. I find what you can and can't say in America vs Thailand interesting. In the USA they would not have a problem calling weed what it is.
    The other day I heard you say Friedchickenisha when referring to a black girls name. You get completely canceled in the USA . This is not a criticism but an observation.

  13. Iā€™m not sure that being a ā€œgreen hubā€ aligns with the efforts to attract high income visitors – but no worries. Decriminalization is okay, it lets people make up their own mind. Partake or not, up to you.

    Glad to see ā€œask the thaisā€ is back

  14. Iā€™m from Canada itā€™s and deregulated here and weā€™re having no issues here with Mary Jane the government controls it and taxes it and nobody has a problem with it. The Thai government should look at how Canada did it

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