What Happens If Your Dog Ingests Marijuana?

Dr. Lera talks about accidental cannabis ingestions with Chi Chi, a one-year-old Chihuahua that weighs 5.8 lbs, who accidentally …


  1. Lamar:" man that dog high as f***, I can tell, it's all in the eyes man, 100% pure bred satisfied LD organics customer right there"
    Franklin: Chop! What the f*** did I tell you about eating weed

  2. my parents say that my sisters chihuawa ate a little bit of my shatter and might of died? but hhe looks like he ate somthing that might of blocked his stomach or something else

  3. My roommate is a major weed head and her precious little dog started ACTING just like this pup.. yet refuses to believe that her dog ate her weed, that she so irresponsibly leaves, laying around everywhere! She keeps making excuses as to what else it could possibly be BUT THE OBVIOUS!! Makes me want to slap the crap out of her! Oh did I mention she's a TOTAL NARCISSIST that NEVER takes accountability for HER action's? I pray her dog survives and she starts being AWARE of leaving things lying around πŸ’―πŸ€¬β€ΌοΈ

  4. This vet is a headcase. What has he been smoking.
    Ya think ya would get haircut and shower before making a video. Wow.
    Holy shit he has big ears and frog eyes. 🐸
    If anyone of you have this guy as a vet get a refund and fun. Lol

  5. my puppy got into my brothers weed and he’s now in a coma. we don’t know if he will make it but i have hope and faith he will. please anyone who may read this now, pray for my baby πŸ™πŸ½.

  6. That dog is so stoned πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ I need to send this to my mom & my dad god forbid one of their dogs get their hands on their 🌲 they’ll be pissed blaming their spouses.

  7. My dog is 18 years old the last 2 years he had been pacing at night for hours totally confused. I put him on a low dose thc infused honey prooduct and a cbd supplement. It costs me less then 20$ a month . He sleeps ALL night wakes up and has energy i havnt seen him like this in years. So much unknown potential we must study it more!

  8. My sister's dog loved to get high. It all started when the vet gave her some kind of opiate after she had broke her leg. A few years latter when I was 13 or 14; I did what most immature teenagers would do and blew weed smoke in her face. At first it kinda freaked her out but once the weed kicked in she loved it. She would come back for more everytime my friends and I were smoking in my bedroom. Usally she wouldn't mess with me but when she smelled the smoke she would scratch at my door so I would let her in. When I did she would jump up on my bed stick her neck out waiting for us to give her a hit by blowing the smoke in her face. I wouldn't do this alot and I didn't do it to be funny but Fluffy loved it. She even got me busted one time when she was trying to get in my room. My mother found it odd that she was scratching at my door and wanted in. So my mom opened the door and caught my girlfriend and I getting high. She also saw Fluffy jumping up at the joint and begging for a hit. I miss that little dog she was cool. My dog Maxx was lame he didn't like getting high.

  9. My friends dog years ago used to sit with me and her and whoever had the blunt he would get in your face until you blew the smoke at him. And my other friends old dog used to hop up at the table and join the sesh and stare at whoever Had it to blow. At him

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