What is Endocannabinoid Deficiency?

What is an endocannabinoid deficiency? As more research is conducted into the endocannabinoid system, studies find that …


  1. Brain injury damages this system. CANNABIS repairs this.
    Think 4 the WHOLE, not of SELF.

    My family helped GEORGE WASHINGTON in 1776. This is why the name 'GEORGE' IS IN OUR FAMILY FOR SO MANY GENERATIONS.

    Land was granted to this family in PENSILVANIA for their dedication! Me and my brother are the last in line of a family trust from then.

    FEDERAL FELONS are 'pushing' people away from government.

    FEDERAL agent at router CenturyLink4347 get off my WI-FI and stop CYBER ATTACKING me. 'FEDERAL FELON'.

    The HOLY SPIRIT told me that explaining about atoms will help restore my brain.

    Boiling water proves that heat excites molecules that allows atoms to boil and escape. All things in life are made of ATOMS that bond into MOLECULES that creates matter. It is a matter of understanding the stages that 'heat' will do to ATOMS.

    There is a CREATOR that is sexless. The word GOD is man made for control of 'humanity'.

    It was not a question of believing my meditation but 'understanding' it. That is why I did what MOSES had them do in the BIBLE. I 'drank' MONATOMIC GOLD.


    Alright I have tried the SPIRITUAL side to get word out, now it is MANS way;

    My grandfather was a certified genius with 156 IQ that ran the PANAMA CANAL ZONE for the military until 1958 and can be looked up. ( Co. George W. Bland Sr.).

    My IQ was 148 when was 17.

    I wrecked my Harley giving me a 5.5 TBI that THC is restoring.

    I figured if THC is restoring my brain injury the way I say it is and if I am as smart as the IQ test says then I should be able to figure out how GOLD formed to 'prove' healing.

    I DID ! But they CYBER ATTACK ME !

    Government kills, GOD 'heals'.


    CREATORS 'healing' warrior.

    Because I was not believed I did a SPIRITUAL MEDITATION where I was shown how GOLD formed to show TRUTH.

    Copper melts at 1800F but the 'atoms' must be brought to a boil, that is at 3500F. There can't be any oxygen because will put pressure against atoms blocking escape. Melted BORAX will do this as long covering copper. In 100 hours atoms will escape leaving 79 atoms that is GOLD.

    Only GOD can return me from 'death'.

  2. Thank you for posting. I suffer from this .chosen cannabis for treatment for multiple environmental factors as well. With no support system due to general publics chosen ignorance. Im exhausted of advocating and being judged for planted based medicine and diet.

  3. We know how they say that most people who is healthy eat right now everything else get sick only 7 times a year or 7 to 10 times a year with the modern cold and flu symptoms and so forth well I for one never had to worry about getting sick as long as my cannabinoids were in my system from I'm additional marijuana and I've used this my whole life ever since I was a young boy of 8 years old I've never had to worry about being sick and I was born 1987 back then this was a very evil drug at was Fred in the market and people was probably never ever Harley visiting visiting the hospital for sickness when I was sick I knew what I needed to do I need to get me a joint and smoke it or make me some hot tea with a nice wonderful flower the plan has been in my family for Generations the hills of Ireland to the well I'm not the Germany my family has used this even though we came to the US I am 32 years old and I am still using cannabis regardless of the restrictions of the Communist laws in this country they just don't want me to be healthy or happy or in a system of the state as they want us to fail be criminalized for doing absolutely nothing wrong besides staying healthy without that I am unbearable I can't even hardly put up myself the only thing I know regardless is it being a drug or kazeebo or so forth I rather have my cannabis because if I don't well I really don't want to go to there but I will comment on this because most of my family got addicted to hard drugs I did not want to be that way I refuse to go down that road of addiction and by follows even OD on a mess up at the pharmaceutical drug companies will try to do to my trucks all right brother choose cannabis cannabis for all cannabis for me I regret for anybody else to remain on hard drugs because of the risk of addiction and have to worry about the criminal laws out here at prohibiting people from going to doctors and getting prescription drugs we as people evolve and learn how to get by that's why we choose cannabis sincerely Danny Reynolds Bedford Indiana Godspeed smoke responsibly

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