4 HOURS of TRUE Glitch In The Matrix Stories For Sleep – September Glitch Compilation

Today’s Video is a nearly 4 Hour long Glitch In The Matrix Story Compilation! Yes, you have probably heard these stories before, …


  1. A Convincing Trick.

    All normal reality is, is a convincing trick and quite bizarre.
    Light comes through our eyes. through our iris. The light hits our optic nerve and forms a two dimension, upside-down image on the retina of both eye balls.
    Some how, some way the all emersive, three dimensional world we live in is rendered from these 2-D and upside-down images.
    How crazy is that ?
    So when we think about glitches in time and perception and think they are so far-fetched, think how far-fetched the rendered, all emersive reality that we recognize as normal is.
    We must consider, we live in a simulation or you can call it
    The Matrix.

  2. I have a place for things ; I put things in their place. I also find, when I look for something, I look for where it's supposed to be. When it's not there, in a hurry, I will tear my apartment apart – only to find the item where it was supposed to be.

    New Rule

    If I can't find the item, I'll look in the place and that's it.

  3. I watched almost the entire compilation before I realized that you have corrected how you pronounce doppelgänger! I wanted to let you know that didn't go unnoticed! Thank you for all your hard work!

  4. Honestly, the person in the first story just sounds like they have undiagnosed ADHD. From the way that it's written (overly descriptive, adding details that aren't actually necessary to understand the story, mini-sidebars), the actual events described (misplaced items or seemingly mis-remembered details), and the fact that the author states that they're notorious for misplacing or losing things, it sounds like inattentive-type ADHD. 🤷

  5. You need to leave out the part that these people all swear they don't drink or do any substances,if that has to be added they're full of crap,and are probably stoned when originally typed and takes away any credibility they may have, and the grandma thing, mental illness isn't a glitch

  6. 4 hours holy moley you did some WORK, Raven!!! I don't have to cook tonight, but tomorrow I'm making a batch of dog food AND human food so I'll get into this tn & finish then 😁💜

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