5 Ways the 2023 Farm Bill could Change CBD Regulations

The demand for CBD and other hemp products like gummies is rising due to the relief they can provide to millions of people. In terms of health, CBD can help treat chronic pain, inflammation, joint pain, neurological conditions, and more. Sadly, due to poor regulation, questions about the safety of CBD product remains as not all manufacturers apply the same production standards. This is primarily due to slow action by the FDA and the strict requirements by the DEA. Luckily, as the 2018 Farm Bill slowly comes to an end, the 2023 Farm Bill will make its way to Congress soon and will serve as a beacon of hope for changes to be made in CBD regulations. 

An Examination of the USDA’s Hemp Production Program was a hearing held on July 2, and the guests present were the House Agriculture Subcommittee members; Eric Wang, CEO of Ecofibre; and Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture, Ryan Quarles. 

Through this hearing, they tackled what needed to be included in the 2023 Farm Bill. Ultimately, this would improve the existing rules on the production of CBD and other hemp products. Here are five possible changes we can expect in the planning of the 2023 Farm Bill. 

1. The 2023 Farm Bill could create a clear pathway of regulations for CBD

As we have mentioned earlier, people have become reluctant about purchasing hemp products due to poor regulations by the FDA. Said products were also said to have intoxicating effects once they had been consumed, so that only worsened the initial hesitancy that people had. 

That being said, Eric Wang’s solution to this issue is to create a clear pathway of regulations for CBD. The CEO himself asked members of Congress to take note of this fix and include it in the 2023 Farm Bill. 

If this were to be successfully included in the new Farm Bill, then this would primarily solve two issues. First, this bill would eliminate the buildup of uncertainty among consumers who used to purchase CBD and other hemp products. 

Next, farmers would be able to bounce back from their hampered state and be able to market all their crops to retailers and businesses since hemp-derived products would now be labeled as “safe to consume”. In turn, the demand for said products would rise. 

2. CBD will be identified as non-intoxicating

It is only natural for people to avoid products that are intoxicating to them due to the risk that they would pose to their health. With that in mind, the 2023 Farm Bill has the ability to mark hemp products that are safe for use from those that are not. 

When the time comes that this bill will take effect, the FDA will now provide clear policies that the hemp products being sold in the market are free from psychoactive compounds and that it will stay this way since they will be closely monitoring hemp manufacturers and ensure they do not market harmful products. 

3. The production of hemp derivatives will bounce back—stronger than ever

Once the 2023 Farm Bill supports the advocacies that were raised at the An Examination of the USDA’s Hemp Production Program hearing, the production of hemp derivatives would match the growing demand for them. 

It is safe to assume that once hemp products are marketed as safe, then the demand for them will start to grow. Farmers would start to have confidence in producing hemp products since they know that consumers will purchase their products. 

4. Provision of a clearer THC threshold for hemp consumer products

The bill will provide a clear THC threshold for hemp and in-process hemp extract, as well as a separate threshold for consumer-ready hemp products. Ryan Quarles states that the bill will adapt to a “total THC” standard rather than basing it on a “delta-9 THC only” standard since this would provide a more accurate result in terms of intoxication potential. 

Quarles also mentioned that the total THC threshold of 1.0% will be applied to other THC isomers such as delta-9 THC, delta-8, delta-10, HHC, and more. 

The new threshold would serve as a guide for farmers and other processors to ensure that the consumer-ready hemp products sold to customers are not intoxicating. 

5. Rids of unnecessary requirements from the DEA and eases production of hemp products

The upcoming 2023 Farm Bill will pave the way for getting rid of unnecessary requirements from the DEA, which are also a primary cause of delays in hemp production. This will allow farms to easily plant hemp without having to go through a lengthy process of hemp testing. 

In addition, the bill will also include the removal of background checks for those who want to produce hemp products. For those who are not aware, currently, there is a 10-year ban for individuals with drug-related felony convictions. They are not permitted ownership of a hemp license and this is completely unfair for those who have completed their rehabilitation. 

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