1. So nothing really changed since the 19th century, only one ☝️ difference back then the teens killed each other for terf, money, reputation you name it and now they’re killing themselves.

  2. I have a very low tolerance for bs, and this entire video was bs. On a statistical basis, they are saying millions of teenagers alone have been vaping, and if you Google the stats, in the decade leading up to the inside of 2019, only about 35–35!–cases of seizures have been reportedly possibly linked to vaping. That number rose through the rest of 2019 to a hundred and something, but might those have been linked to black market or diy marijuana cartridges? Or, hey, maybe other causes? And on a personal note, I'm a bit of a dinosaur in the vaping community, been vaping for a decade. Used to suck down the 36 mg stuff like there was no tomorrow! Not one seizure to report. And this "doctor" was so ill-prepaired. So many uh's and um's, and by the way, no one in the history of the world has ever e-vaped a regular old cigarette, lol! Oh, those people back in the 50's and 60's, man, really e-vaped the hell out of their cigarettes! Wow. Anyway, color me skeptical, but I want to see the hard evidence.

  3. If they make it illegal… the kids illegally vaping will still vape and get the stuff or switch to cigarettes.

    It is only people who are law-abiding citizens who will be affected if they make it illegal.

    I am still trying to figure out how the government has given itself the power to make decisions for adults who desire to vape.


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